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10/22/10 4:39 PM

#149144 RE: Serenity #149143

Trusting your up on your history remember what Abe Lincoln said (you can fool some of the people all the time and you can fool all the people some of the time but you cant fool all the people ie;investors all the time)Now do you think this applies in this particular human study in evolution.LOL
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10/22/10 4:42 PM

#149145 RE: Serenity #149143

You and I have been around here a LONG time. 4 years for me and we have heard it all over and over from HomeDepot, to WalMart to Lowe's and the volume continues to drop as the debt and dilution goes higher. At one time there was lot's of excitement about Winning Colours,Kind Laundry soap. Kind fabric softener, Clean1, Track Moist and today it's pretty much all about Winning Colours in a 4oz. bottle. At one time we did more dollar volume in the first 30-45 minutes of trading in a day than the stock does in an entire week now. I had about 15 million shares at one time and Thank GOD I am out completely. We all saw what happened to the little sponge company and I believe that is exactly where this stock is headed as there comes a time when the debt and dilution become to much to overcome. Unlike the country,WNBD can't just print more money and borrow so the only thing left is dilute, dilute, dilute. I wish you luck with your shares Trusting but I don't think WNBD has enough for another company to be interested. Why buy a company to get rid of the competition when the company is slowing putting itself out of business. All it's competitors have to do now is set back and wait. What does WNBD even have to sell except a name anymore and with that goes the debt. For the most part they have no manufacturing because they pretty much sub all that out. It's just a cubical, a van, and 3-4 employees.
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10/22/10 5:03 PM

#149151 RE: Serenity #149143

What you fail to understand according to your comment below, is that all people don't trade/invest in a young company based on the parameters you have set for yourself. That doesn't make them wrong or right, it just makes their stadegy or timeframe different than what is acceptable to you. Therefore I wouldn't consider it a study in human behavior unless you consider it a fact that you are right, and all others are wrong.

I continue to be amazed at people. This board really is a study in human behavior.

Once again, you are basing your thoughts of others on your particular risk tolerance or timeframe for WNBD to achieve success. When people comment on things the CEO says or things the company is doing in a positive light they are considered kool-aid drinkers or pumpers, as you indicate below. In actuality if I comment on the CEO statement in a positive manner that doesn't mean I expect success to happen tomorrow. It only means I see the developement adding to the continued growth I have witnessed for the past couple of years, and it may or may not strengthen my position with WNBD.

Yet, some continue swoon every time this CEO makes a comment and keep buying and buying.

Bottom Line: Just because someone has a different outlook than you doesn't make them wrong. Only time will ultimately decide that in the end, but if you feel the need to talk down to those with a differing stance on WNBD than you have, then do what you gotta do...