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10/21/10 8:20 PM

#112367 RE: StephanieVanbryce #112354

Israeli illegal colonists pipe raw sewage into legal homes of Palestinians. Almost unbelievable, as it is so disgustingly obscene.
The thought arises this despicable action approaches illegal germ warfare .. some history of the ongoing 'ethnic cleansing' ..

Indeed, the ongoing settler attacks against Palestinians can be attributed to a culture of violence and extremism that the Israeli Government has permitted with its continuation of its illegal settlement campaign throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. .. more ..

From Undercooked Falafel .. Wednesday, June 02, 2010 ..
Nablus – Residents of the illegal Yitzhar settlement set fire to more than 100 dunums of Palestinian
lands near Urif village, southwest of Nablus on Wednesday afternoon, Palestinian officials said. .. more ..

from the reply, (sheeezzz, somehow, have carelessly just lost a great part of this post) this should be in the open here ..

During 2009, 14125 olive trees were cut down, torched or uprooted, including 1455 trees that were burnt or
uprooted during the olive picking season and about 7000 were uprooted for the purpose of expanding the existing
colonies while the rest were burnt or cut down by colonists. Not only did the Israeli Authorities and colonists destroy olive
trees but also they prevented the farmers from reaching their olive fields, especially the ones behind the wall. .. more ..

Damn it! Must redo at least some of it .. looking for one, this wasn't in before ..

The Best Place One Could Be on Earth

Ah, here is one .. last bit ..

The question now is whether Obama will back off or whether he will he have the courage to make Netanyahu dismantle both the outposts and the settlements. If Obama hesitates Israel will become a full-blown apartheid regime, while if he remains bold he will probably be remembered as the President who helped save Israel from itself. To do so he will have to make Netanyahu sweat much more. .. two videos from the first reply .. .. and ..

The Palestinian Village of Ni’lin .. Background information and reference data .. 29 May 2008 .. The theft,
rape and pillage of Palestinian land and resources has been and continues to be simply horrific. .. also ..

Next to Hebron's 'House of Contention,' Palestinian neighbors live in fear .. and surrounds ..

One has to stop sometime ..

Israeli Taliban Torch Palestinian Girls’ School, Destroy Olive Trees

October 20, 2010 .. The phrase “ethnic cleansing” conjures up a swift, comprehensive act of expulsion. But in reality, moving a large population off its land is the death of a thousand cuts, a slow, inexorable process of stealing property, harassment, forcing people into a condition of malnutrition. The Native Americans in the Americas, the Aborigines in Australia, and the Palestinians in Israel/Palestine were only sometimes forced off their land suddenly and en masse. The gradual processes told, in the long run.

The amazing thing about what is being done to the Palestinians in the Palestinian West Bank by Israeli illegal aliens is that it is happening in full view of the world, reported on by wire services, and yet remains invisible to Western publics.

The world reacts in horror when the Taliban in Afghanistan torch girls’ schools. But Israeli squatters just set fire to the store room of a Palestinian girls’ school, and the whole school would have gone up in flames if that warehouse had not been near a water main. The Israeli illegals left behind graffiti saying ‘regards from the hills.’

there is so much more documentation of loss of Palestinian olive trees. Of cruelty.
Of loss of livelihood. Of great stamina, and courage amongst so much sad despair.

So much injustice which goes virtually ignored by the Western world.