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10/20/10 11:08 AM

#8356 RE: My4ntoy #8353

I'm still holding spartan strong as well! and will be adding a big chunk tomorrow if it stays around this range.


10/20/10 2:05 PM

#8363 RE: My4ntoy #8353

I know you are strong! The frustration in my previous post wasn't directed at any of the current longs. I am simply dumbfounded at the immediate gratification needed by so many penny investors. Just this morning I read though two other boards with several people complaining their stock price wasn't going up fast enough. And, get this: BOTH stocks were up at least 50% in just the last two months! Holy cow, what the heck are they expecting! Then I read about 'whats his name' bailing and sabotaging our board again. From now on I'm just going to tell such people,

"Go buy one of these instead: " I mean, the mentality runs exactly opposed to the Warren Buffet adage. More money is made buying pro-actively rather than just takes a little vision. Later, when we are sitting pretty again, all of these new posters will come out of woodwork lamenting they hadn't bought Infrax earlier. Well THIS is that time.