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Gold Seeker

10/20/10 11:26 AM

#27489 RE: opportunityknocking #27488

Opportunity, I will respond to your questions.

It's not Goldseeker that scares me. It's the share price. By the way, Dr Moro almost lost everything. The entire IP and patents were collateral for the Smithline loan thanks to Wittenberg's brilliant negotiations

I don't think you are correct about Wittenberg. Moro told me HE was the one negotiating with Richard Smithline. If you look at other companies dealing with Smithline, he has liens on all their assets also. That's the way he deals and he still has all the assets of BioCurex in his name right now.

If he gets FDA approval he has a viable product. Do you disagree?

No, a viable product is not determined by FDA approval. It is determined by a market demand by the medical community.

Wouldn't he instill confidence? Wouldn't the share price respond positively?

Yes, I do agree that FDA approval would increase the share price but only for a limited time. For a long term share price increase, the product must gain a revenue stream. Someone must commercialize the product.

Wouldn't he save lives?

You are making the assumption that RECAF would be used. There is no history of any universal cancer marker being successful. There is a history of two failures.

It has nothing to do with Goldseeker and everything to do with management

Agreed. Gaboy's statement that he values the stock because I post on the board is ludacris. This stock is now controlled by the Paulson investors and they are not the dedicated believers in RECAF that have historically held shares.

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Gold Seeker

10/20/10 3:01 PM

#27490 RE: opportunityknocking #27488

Opportunity, I know you would like to see Moro begin clinical trials leading to an FDA submission for approval.

It appears that Moro has indeed changed his mind about doing the approval process and is now planning on relying on the licensees for that function.

I certainly see both your position and Moro's position.

Your advice would use up the current funds more quickly. The Taglich report stated Moro had current funding until mid 2011. That is just 8 months away.

Beginning clinical trials would indeed raise the stock price. I don't know for how long but investors always react to good news. If the share price remained higher, even though additional funds were needed earlier, they might be placed at a higher price. Right now, I doubt Moro could place many share until he lowered the price to less than 5 cents.

The time to accomplish monitoring trials as Moro cited at the ISOBM would indeed require following patients over a period of time. This is going to greatly extend the period needed before FDA submission and even then, the FDA is always a wild card and they may not approve the product.

It is a huge risk of money for Moro and both you and I know that RECAF or any other product would not be successful with self marketing by a company with little or no money. There has to be an active licensee. Neither Abbott nor Alere appear to be advancing so Moro may indeed just want to hang on to his money as long as possible in an attempt to either get Dog RECAF selling or to sign another licensee.

Unfortunately, everyone should realize that without Abbott and Alere showing progress, the likelyhood of some other licensee signing is remote.

Look at what Burger stated about Abbott. He was going to attempt a meeting to get them moving or terminate them. It looks like neither option happened and I doubt Abbott would even talk to him.

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Gold Seeker

10/20/10 3:04 PM

#27491 RE: opportunityknocking #27488

Opportunity, what you should be pushing for is another investor conference call. Get your questions answered.