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10/18/10 2:03 AM

#85141 RE: venomen2002 #85140

Looks like you might have some inside information that none of us have..Do you have a link to the management using any of the money they borrowed for personal use??

Inside info? Since when is the ability to read inside info?

It is right in black and white in their financial statements that JD and GH borrowed money from Expo.

Inside info, lmao.


10/18/10 6:37 AM

#85142 RE: venomen2002 #85140

Do you have a link to the management using any of the money they borrowed for personal use??

Why else would they borrow money from the company if it were not for personal reasons? Duh!!!!!!

If it were for company reasons, the company would just spend the capital. This was a transfer of capital to officers with an assigned note to it.

Santa Barbara Broker

10/18/10 10:30 AM

#85153 RE: venomen2002 #85140

Do you have a link to the management using any of the money they borrowed for personal use??

Yeah, I have a link to where one of the Expo management team were using Expo money for personal use. And I will put it up right after you provide any link in the entire known universe from any CEO or management team anywhere on the planet from any company that exists now or has ever existed that they loaded onto a site to show they had appropriated monies from the company they worked for illegally and were using them for personal gain. Take your time.

You also have no idea if any has been paid back..

Wrong AGAIN. As of 12/31/2009 the only time ANY of us could possible prove anything, I have a link to show where the initial $375K worth of advances has not been paid down but has been INCREASED to $399K. Furthermore there are posts on this board from individuals you frequently agree with that have written that a) the principals of Expo are not taking any salaries at all from the company and others that state despite having no income from Expo (their supposed "full time" jobs) b) they have paid down $152K worth of those advances between 12/31/2009 and 9/15/2010 and will have the remaining $247K paid off by April 2011. Do you subscribe to this? Have YOU got links to show if the advances have been partially paid back? Can you explain where the money is coming from between Brown and Harrs to pay down $152K worth of advances in under nine months? Did they sell their shares and then lie about "never selling a single one"?

Lots of companies have lost money like crazy..Many are still losing money..I can name many that lost a hell of a lot more than EXPO before they started making profits.

Name many? No need. Name one. Post the name of a company that issued 2 billion shares over 4.5 years in business, lost money almost every quarter despite basically running the same business they had before it became public since 2000 (D&D Displays) and THEN started making regular profits...and presumably went on to be a successful and constantly profitable company. Not some tech firm, not some company that had to develop a product with technology they had to invent as they went along. Just as you implied...apples to apples, a manufacturing firm producing common, simple, low tech products like cabinets or displays that lost money for five years, issued two billion shares and then went on to become enormously profitable. Name one, not many....just ONE.

Just for the record, you will produce absolutely nothing I have requested so you can actually validate your point about Expo because your "point" is indefensible.