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Gold Seeker

10/17/10 2:06 PM

#27472 RE: opportunityknocking #27471

Opportunity stated: "We've been told over and over again by Mata that millions of share are being shorted backed by warrants"

Opportunity, MH can state whatever he likes about massive shorting or other fantasy thoughts. The facts show for themselves that there is no massive shorting going on.

The only significant shorting that has been done with this stock was by Smithline in 2007 and 2008. Moro even included the number of short shares in the company filings so that information is factual.

Since 2008 and the share price falling drastically, there has been no significant shorting. The only large selling prior to the public offering was also done by Smithline. In the fall of 2009, Smithline sold short into several of the news items and sold the stock back down to 14 cents. He had given the company notice to convert notes so it was NOT naked shorting.

Now take a moment and look at the pros and cons of shorting a 5 cent stock. If you were shorting the stock as Mata Hari claims, you would have sold stock at 5 cents and if the stock goes up much at all, you stand to take a huge hit financially. The warrant fund Mata Hari claims to be shorting has warrants at 13.5 cents so if they had to use warrants to cover, their loss position would be over 60%. That is just idiotic.

All the times Mata Hari has claimed to be shorting going on, the volume is terribly low. That just makes no sense whatsoever.

You apparently think Mata Hari is somehow connected to management but that is totally wrong. He has no inside information. That is obvious.