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10/16/10 8:22 PM

#13629 RE: sssneo #13628

I will do my DD on Florida and I know that our governor who is running for the senate, an Independent, Charlie Crist pro casino man who gave Las- Vages slots and Black Jack to the American Indians and our racino's.

Just another follow-up on some press release doubters out there, Fibre-optic cable article from a Sosua newspaper:

All news about Sosua can be found here:
8 December 2009
Fibre-optic cable reaches SosúaThe main road from Cabarete to Sosúa is currently being dug up along the sides, to allow a new fibre-optic cable to be laid, which should give us all far better telephone and Internet connections. The company Codetel-Claro is carrying out this work, replacing old copper cables with new fibre-optic alternatives. This new cable is therefore no longer mounted on tall poles, but is buried underground. The new telephone and Internet connections should result in fewer technical problems and much faster speeds. Internet connections, in particular, should be MUCH faster! This is something that residents and tourists alike have been complaining about for some time now. Another advantage is that the cable is no longer a target for metal thieves. Up to now the old copper telephone cables were often stolen.
Fibre-optic cable reaches Sosúa
The kilo price for copper is so high at the moment that thieves will take all kinds of risks in order to steal it. But there is no money to be made in fibre-optic cable, so hopefully all our problems will be resolved by this new cable.


10/16/10 9:01 PM

#13630 RE: sssneo #13628

All I see is that we have about 4 states that want internet gambling, Florida and New Jersey are the closest to amend their internet rules. The only rub I see here is that each state requires from $200,000 to $500,000 cash, not a bond. That’s a big chunk of cash to put out right now, and if UIGEA is defeated, CGAQ would have to contend with the pay-up cash in 50 states. I think JMHO if UIGEA is defeated, the feds will tax each state from their revenues and leave it up to the States to collect their fees and taxes from the provider sites, how else would this work if each state wants a piece of the action?


10/18/10 8:32 PM

#13669 RE: sssneo #13628

More info on Florida:

Read the article here:

Internet gambling and betting law in Florida
Before going on to consider in more detail the situation regarding the sort of betting activities you can enjoy on a night-out in Florida - you might be interested to know what the situation is in Florida regarding internet gambling and playing online casino games like poker, roulette and blackjack. Please be aware that, when reading this, don’t forget that the Federal Wire act of 1961 could be applied to online gambling in Florida. Otherwise, Florida actually currently enjoys a fairly relaxed attitude towards internet gambling. Basically in the US states are divided into those that have passed laws to expressly prohibit placing online bets and those that, to date, haven’t. As you might have guessed from the lead up to this - at present Florida state law does not expressly prohibit internet gambling and betting, so playing online casino games would appear to be quite legal here.

Chance, skill and betting law in Florida
Across the United States determining if a game is one of chance or skill is often used to determine whether or not betting on the outcome of a game will be legally allowed. Where the outcome of a game is merely deemed to be down to chance the likelihood of betting on it being allowed is very small indeed, whereas betting on a game of skill may well be allowed. To illustrate this point the outcome of a horse race will be affected by the skill of a jockey - but most states will assert that a game of poker is mere chance, dependant of the cards randomly dealt and not considering any skill on behalf of the player in deciding what to do with those cards. So, a game of chance is likely to violate state gambling laws but a game of skill is not likely to; to determine if a game is one of chance or skill the ‘dominant factor test’ is applied. Florida is one of only seven that doesn’t apply that test when determining if betting on a game can be allowed. Whether this is a good or bad thing for gamblers in Florida is difficult to assess, but it would certainly account for the difficulty in locating a roulette table in the state! Of course an irony here is that Florida does allow lottery gambling. So, if you live in Florida and want to play some casino games like roulette, your only recourse might well be to play online roulette.