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10/15/10 1:54 AM

#123341 RE: Zorax #123340

There's a big difference between Due Diligence and Mind Reading.

If you don't know what Due Diligence is, let me explain. It's another way of saying research or homework.

The parallel here is that, I could only do my homework after the teacher assigned it. Much the same with stocks, you can only do your DD(Research, Homework) after the company releases information. Once it's released, then you follow up by picking up a phone, emailing, researching SEC and FINRA regulations, looking for companies that did similiar actions so that you know what to expect.

Making money in the market is WORK not simply buying a stock and waiting for the company, broker or whoever else to provide you with all the information you need. Those that sit back and wait for everything to be handed to them are soon out of money and out of the market. They are followers.

I worked hard for the money I choose to invest and therefore am Diligent about my investments. He doesn't mean that I'm always right or that unforeseen circumstances will occur. But the one thing I am able to say is that I only have myself to blame if I make a wrong move.

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10/15/10 12:13 PM

#123345 RE: Zorax #123340

"Funny, just about every single inix shareholder posting on this board is still guessing, wondering about shares, certs...everything... gee, I wonder why that is...?"

Your assuming way to much with that statement. This board and the company have done a good job of informing everyone on what to do with their certs (see post#122621), return them to the TA by Oct.30th and thats it. If anyone does`nt hold certs there is nothing to do. Anyone can speculate or have a conspiracy theory as to why it is taking so long but the bottom line is the processes have to run their course and the company has done all they can do. IMO we could hear news on company developments after all has been settled and would not want news until then for obvious reasons, we`ll all be able to trade at the same time, until then we`re at the mercy of those who are to take care of this processes and it`s not Ifinix.