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10/14/10 10:35 PM

#85034 RE: Stock_Barber #85033

rejoicing that the people are still there who continually lied to shareholders, projected 4 times the revenue they actually received in 2009, diluted the company into oblivion, lost money continuously since inception.etc etc etc.
Yes, the best possible news would be that they are gone forever. Stock prices often react very positivily when the bad blood is flushed, but I suppose this company has what it deserves, and the stock price shows it.


10/15/10 12:36 AM

#85035 RE: Stock_Barber #85033

AMEN! But SB, WE all know that! JD and Harrs are part of the forward given FORGIVENESS and slides given to the baton passers. Anyone playing the pinks understand. It is what it is. Woof, woof!


10/15/10 2:03 AM

#85040 RE: Stock_Barber #85033


"As long as even JD's shadow lurks in the halls, investors will never fully trust this company...

Which investors are you talking about??

You certainly don't mean all investors do you?? You might be talking about some of the handfull of negative posters that post here regardless of whether they own shares or not..In any case the number that you say would be upset would represent what percent of the OS?? My guess is less than 4 percent..Now by my calculations that would leave around 96% or more of the OS that are held by others that disagree with your assessment of JD and Glenn and whether they should stay on in some capacity..In fact..everyone that I have heard from that has gone to the company has nothing but good things to say about JD..I have yet to hear from one negative poster about their face to face meetings with JD or Glenn..In fact..none have ever visited the company by their own admission..

Stanley liked what the company did for them..We have heard nothing but praise and about increased orders from companies that have worked with JD and Glenn..That would be with JD and Glenn at the top..

Like I said..I do believe now that the company is moving to the retail side..A person with retail experience should be at the top..JD and Glenn built up the relationships the company has with these big box companies and you want them to leave when etc is being considered for retail?? Being a long term holder and buyer of this stock..I don't agree at all with your thoughts...veno