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10/13/10 5:43 PM

#74046 RE: acspark #74045


There are many questions we would all like to ask, however AW does not have a crystal ball. Personally, I am delighted to have someone like AW and few others here take the bull by the horns and try to make a phoenix out of this situation.

Any ‘what-ifs’ will be bridges that get crossed as we progress.

It is my intention to co-operate with AW WITHOUT QUESTION and help where needed.

I feel that POST # 73999 by Alaskan Warrior should be bookmarked by every shareholder as the genesis of this revolution.

An excerpt from that post sums it up for me and I am sure others:

“The Shareholders must know that I will have an immediate Corporate Action to bring the Share Structure back into a respectable and beneficial part of the business. The stock symbol will change, but this will be the "ONE AND ONLY" type action. I haven't decided to what level or degree, so please don't flood me with hate mail and such. I'm looking to bring this back to a level consistent with the cash flow, finance and all that the same time, keep the MM's off our backs. Last point, THERE WILL BE NO DILUTION! Every share will be accounted for and the TA will have specific instructions, not to release more than a specific number of shares per trading day and the share count will be monitored daily. The MM's will also be monitored daily to make sure there are NO NAKED SHORTING. If ANY are suspected, the MM's will be called to task via the SEC.”



10/13/10 7:37 PM

#74047 RE: acspark #74045

You do not lose your shares…
AW is asking for you to vote for him to become the next CEO of the company. Each share you now own counts as one vote for AW taking charge of the company’s future. You will still have the shares in your account as they are now. The goal is to get a majority vote of the shareholders to vote for the change. When you vote as a registered shareholder and you have 2 million shares you are voting 2 million times for change but continue to hold the rights to your shares. AW needs 51% of the votes to secure the change. Right now your shares have no real monetary value so IMO voting for change is better than holding onto worthless shares. Yes there will most likely be a reverse split or share swap to realign the Authorized share count but when a value like AW is talking about can be added to a reduced share count at least there will be some value in your account IMO. Last month we had no future to speak off but now there is opportunity for change. We as shareholders can sit on the side of the road and keep our eyes closed and fingers crossed or vote for positive change and try to make a difference here in the future of our investment IMO.


10/13/10 7:42 PM

#74048 RE: acspark #74045

acspark, i have done this sort of thing before. We the shareholders pool (for power only) a voice if you will. You retain all the shares you have purchased. AW was speaking of a RM which would be fantastic (IMO)

I know no one likes to talk about a RS but if done proporly, its not a bad thing and can also bring in new investors. I was in one last year and it made me more money than i have ever made before, if done right it can be a win, win.

IMO i will support AW anyway i can, Infinite "R" is real, just needs to brought to market the right way.


Darth Trader

10/14/10 3:50 PM

#74065 RE: acspark #74045

i understand blind trust is a big leap. can't predict the future, but what i can say is the management for the company will be better. that's not to say anything negative about the old leadership and yeah, i understand there are some disgruntled people (me included at 150mn shares and waiting!), but i hope the new prospects will help us move on.

i wish i could give you a better answer, but if you read the information i've posted, this takes a little time to organize (legally). have to do this by the book and by the numbers. i really don't want ANY backlash on this, my clients (also my friends) are counting on me.

a little about me....i am an epic romantic at heart. i have a passion for success and i work hard to get it done! i have a proven track record, i have made mistakes, but none deliberate; i don't accept excuses and don't give any; i try to focus my attention on objectives and my energy on issues to provide solutions, where the alternatives are to point fingers, place blame and make...excuses....not my style. i'm very direct, just my nature. i expect a lot from the people who work with me and for me, just as much as they expect from me. i can give and take it; i'm patient to an extent; i believe issues are opportunities to improve and i fire people who don't perform! don't work without a plan and risk management has been the anchor of my success!

i didn't graduate at the top of my class in high school or college, but made the dean's list in both. i have 2 bs degrees, one in environmental engineering and the other in business-project management. i'm working on my mba.

i came from lower middle class america (cincinnati) and my dad was a truck driver. he was my hero! he was as honest as any man i knew. i served in the army for more than 13 years and i am a 70% disabled vet. i have a big heart for vets and am a proud member of amvets and the american legion (lifetime members in both). i got busted twice in the army, my stupidity! i was proud to have served and am still friends with many i served with. many that i've served with are still in.

i hope that helps to understand a little about me! when we get this rolling, i'd like to know a little more about all the investors.

gl&gb you all...thanks for your support