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10/13/10 3:19 PM

#2218 RE: Kgem #2217

This is a complicated question. On one hand, the amount of money you could save by staffing the system with personel with less credentials is appealing. Could be the difference between an $80,000 a year salary and a $40,000. On the other hand, suppose you are large a food manufature that invests in an MIT1000, do you staff your system with anyone less than a BS in micro-bio?...I think the upcoming webinar will shed some light.



10/13/10 3:20 PM

#2219 RE: Kgem #2217

Yea if you can, email them and find out about incubation of the bacteria. I am curious to see how they will solve that without the use of a lab tech.

Digra Ive

10/13/10 4:23 PM

#2222 RE: Kgem #2217

Kgem, you know, it is amazing. I mean the idea. Just imagine, you and me who have never studied to make a lab test on the morning take a fresh egg of the fridge, open the manual users and operate MIT 1000. After couple minutes you got negative bacteria results. Now you can start your day with freshly beaten eggs, fried becon, cap of tea and good mood to do your routine job.