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10/12/10 3:52 PM

#163838 RE: Dich #163837

all right.let us every one ffgo'ers.wait .


10/12/10 4:21 PM

#163843 RE: Dich #163837

but if they are tradable you should be able to sell them

~!~ To whom? No one actually 'trades' preferred on the open market on any regular basis, if at all. A & B preferred are usually swapped back and forth between insiders and the company and have special rules tacked to them, but preferred given to common shareholders of a scam pink like ffgo get stuck with restrictions and fees if one wants to convert them to common to trade them on the open market.

Lumpys new scam Nmgl just happened to coincide with his lifting of his criminal ban from operating as an officer of a company in the UK the last 5 or so years... what a coincidence, eh?

With a pink sheet scam such as ffgo/nmgl lumpster set up, his 'divvy' is designed to screw all common shareholders.
Lumpy actually enjoys screwing shareholders and has said as much in shareholder letters.

What a wonderful foreign crook we have for a owner.


10/14/10 12:14 AM

#164000 RE: Dich #163837

Good points again Dich. Thank you. That NMGL list is short, however the bullet points (goals) seems like they will each take a long time to achieve.