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10/26/02 12:19 AM

#2098 RE: Elmer Phud #2097

Elmer Phud: Re: "You're the only one speculating."

Oh, really? You must have a most curious dictionary. I see only two possibilities. Either you have intimate knowledge of the costs associated with a product that is not yet even in production, or you do not understand what the word "speculating" means. I will go out on a limb and assume that you are neither prescient nor privy to Intel's cost structure that even the most informed analysts are not privy to. Therefore, it would seem impossible for you to have cost information on an unreleased product. I must then assume that you do not know what the word "speculating" means. The conclusion is inescapable.

Is that a fair assumption?

I also noticed that rather than discuss the other cost factors I identified that you seem to have left out, you responded with a simple and rather absurd retort. Do I take that as a tacit acknowledgement that I am correct?