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10/12/10 4:59 PM

#120 RE: pdgood #119

PD, either you made the remark or you didn't.
Ref Post #4, this Board, the quote is reprinted

"For acceleration and high load conditions, a richer
mixture (lower air-fuel ratio) is used to produce
cooler combustion products and thereby prevent detonation
and overheating of the cylinder head.".

If you didn't make the remark, you need to talk to the
IHUB admins so that they may determine who is using
your credentials and stop that person. If you did
make the remark, where did you get your information
from? Or was this your own interpretation of something
you read? Regardless of the source, your information
is wrong and my response is appropriate. In your
subsequent response, you have not indicated in any way
that you have acknowledged this erroneous statement.
Instead, you have worsened your position by throwing out
more misinformation.

All engines run on 'Detonation'. That is what happens
when the fuel burns. It is "Pre-Detonation" that is the
problem, where the fuel starts to burn before it is
intended to. And it doesn't take an engine using HHO to
have Pre-Detonaton. Anyone who has stepped on the gas
pedal of regular gasoline powered car and heard the
rattling noise is well aware of the effect of

PD, do you really know why an engine runs hotter when it
is running in a lean mode (without the presence of HHO)?
I don't think that you do. When an engine does not have
enough normal fuel to burn (Carbon or sometimes hydrogen)
it turns to the next available but not as efficient fuel,
nitrogen (which by content, accounts for 70% of air).
But the burning of nitrogen generates more heat, along with
undesireable oxides that are also considered pollution.
This is simple chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering,
automotive engineering.

You never addressed the the misinformation you presented
but sidestepped the issue and subsequently presented more
information, also some of which was not totally accurate.
This is why you have severe credibility issues.

You seem to be a person who reads alot, and you find some-
thing that sounds good to you and so you turn around and
create a post based upon what you have read. But the problem
is, while you may read alot, I've come to the conclusion that
you don't really understand what you read, or enough so as to
prevent you from passing on misinformation. You should really
model your posts after yomoney's on the HLNT board, #21921.
You may have read this one. Yomoney took great effort making
his points and did an excellent job of substantiating them.
He also stated his opinions but identified them as such.

I have known people who are constantly generating ideas.
Somewhere between 1 out of 10 to 1 out of a 100 is a good idea
and can end up being quite rewarding. But the problem is that
the other 9 out of 10 to 99 out of a 100 ideas are a waste of
time. This can be quite a burden to someone trying to figure
out what is useful and what is not. This seems to be the same
case with your posts. What I have observed about your posts
(I've not read them all, but I have read all of October's and
more than a hundred of your prior posts) is that you throw in a
little bit of fact and then bury your opinion in it. And in
addition, you appear to have a problem with "I told you so"itis.
You also state that people should draw their own opinions, but
you leave us with the impression that if the opinion that they
draw is not the same as yours, then they are "complete idiots.
Yet when someone questions your statements, opinions and
conclusions, you do one of the following: 1) ignore those
questions, 2) sidestep the question by throwing out more infor-
mation (that does not address the question asked of you), or 3)
claim that you are being unjustly attacked for stating your
opinion. The impression I get from this is that you want to
be important and have people believe in what you say, but are
unable to handle constructive criticism or questions about how
you draw your conclusions. From my HR experience, this indicates
a person who has 'self-esteem' issues.

I have also observed from your posts that you are a very bitter
and angry person. From what I have been able to deduce, you've
had quite an investment in ECMH, and over the years, it has cost
you a lot. Your anger and bitterness is understandable, but your
method of coping with this, by attacking other boards and the
posters of such boards, is saddening and undesireable. Based
upon your actions, it is almost the same thing as saying that if
you can't make money, you are going to try to make sure that no
one else can make money.

You have stated that some of your posts get deleted. I am certain
that the IHUB Admin do not delete your posts just because you are
PDGOOD. I am also certain that the posts that get deleted are
ones that contain misinformation, that if acted upon by some
unwary investor, could cause them financial harm. As such, the
IHUB Admin are perfectly justified in removing any posts that
represent a liability to any part of this forum.

PD, I wish you the best, I really do. I don't like to see
anybody lose money in the stock market. If you want to be
respected, you have to earn it. You have to present 'useful
information that can be substantiated' and you have to present
opinions and conclusions that are 'sound' and 'provide a benefit
to whomever receives it'. It is not enough to be just 'sound',
it has to provide a benefit to the recipient as well. Telling
someone how not to lose money is not the benefit that is sought,
you have to be able to make money and be able to achieve
such a result in order for it to be a benefit. If you can do
that, PD, on a consistent basis, you will gain the respect that
you are seeking.