JMO but the time lines presented in initial stages were anything but realistic, strongly supportive of the contention these guys are anything but serious.
All I see so far is a snow job for more dilution John, FULL STOP.
Yeah I know slagging the company heartless pessimist
hey say it if it helps ruthless basher whatever makes you feel better! Can't blame you but honestly vits just calling this as I see it.
I sternly cautioned this CEO would lose credibility 4-5 years ago did anyone listen? Well today they are envisaging a new plant SOMEWHERE! ... in India. Lack of credibility has cost in terms of volume that led to chaotic dilution and of course inevitable share price sell off. Frankly I don't see how IDTA can recover without significant changes. I'll let you fill in the blanks here bud looks to me like they blew it bigtime.