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10/11/10 7:44 PM

#2389 RE: Market_Fest4 #2387

MarketFest, Most people obey the law, raise families, live normal lives. But there's always that tiny minority of sociopathic power freaks who live to dominate, and once they gain power they'll do anything to keep it. It's like the Mafia - they're compelled to eliminate any threats, real or imagined.

Look at Stalin - to consolidate his power he starved millions of his own people. He was so paranoid about losing power that he killed off most of his own family members, and had all his military officers above the rank of Captain eliminated. Same with the Roman emperors - for example Tiberius' mother Livia systematically had all his rivals poisoned, including her own husband Augustus.

Sooner or later, every ruling elite will go bonkers. You just hope you don't live at that particular place and time in history. Something of seismic proportions appears to be coming to the US in the period ahead.