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10/25/02 12:39 PM


midwest: you are assuming that the only place the movie would be screened is the north. many regions of the world are known much more for surfing than the USA. also the best months for movies are upon us now. i for one would much rather spend a cold /rainy/snowy grey day in the movie theater than a nice summer day when i could be out enjoying the weather.
you should also remember that the negotiations on the movie are probably being handled by the production company.

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10/25/02 8:38 PM


The Movie is not too late, in fact it may be just on time. The surfing population will show up for a great movie and this one appears to me, from the clips and trailers I've seen, to be great. Winter may be approaching in the U.S., but it's spring in Austrailia. This a excerpt from an article in Austraila about surfers.
"Qantas says that after the golf club, the surfboard is the most flown item of sporting equipment. Indeed it is estimated that some 10 per cent of Australia’s population has some sort of surf-craft. With some 90 per cent of our population living on the ocean edge it is not surprising that Australia boasts perhaps the world’s highest percentage of surfers per head of population".
We need to think World Wide when we think of the distribution of the movie