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10/06/10 6:07 PM

#110740 RE: DesertDrifter #110735

100% .. the Gates Buffett give some back initiative is the sort of stuff that should have Americans feeling PROUD.

Some give to Rove ..

Some billionaires give to political NO NOs .. .. NO! upping tax on the wealthy without upping it YES! on every middle-class family, too. [THEY SAY] Other billionaires encourage those same billionaires, and more, to give half of their fortunes to moral causes ..|Pledge ..

other billionaires give to more worthwhile, concrete causes such as Bill Gate's ..

school loan forgiveness program, where he pays the school loans off of any student that gets a teaching certificate and teaches math or science in a high school or elementary school... putting money right where it belongs instead of some vaporous program.