Did not mean to appear ornery but if you want knowledge read back posts. Another recommendation is ask questions without stating absolutes in your questions (i.e. Definitely, only,). Many of us on this board are older and went to too many concerts, college parties, and mixers so our brain cells are not as strong as this younger crowd with all the video games and having relationships via text, facebook, etc... we did it the old fashion way.
Your statement on value is more of a statement than a question. Again, until the judge rules we do not know valuation. MC did a nice spread on his blog showing the ranges of high and lows. You put the value of .93 per share which could be 100% accurate and could be 100 % false. We just do not know that was why I referred to Jaxstaw's magic 8-ball which a number of longs have joked about over this past year.