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Train Guy

02/22/05 1:53 PM

#1963 RE: husker #1961

It looks better without the graphic elements. Has a cleaner less cluttered look to it. What's the + in the background for? And why even put the muted down arrow in the background. What's the diamond for in the O? I'm curious what font you are using. That's an unusual but nice looking S. On the B&W version, eliminate all the colors out of it to make it a true B&W, ie line art.

And you need to turn the brightness down on your monitor. Do you got it cranked or what. Try this, I use two settings on my monitor, one that is optimized for doing photography work, and one with the brightness turned down a good bit for everyday internet use. Staring at a monitor 10-12 hours a day with the brightness cranked just needlessly tires and burns your eyes. I turn it down enough so the whites are a little "dim", but most graphics are still easily visible. To give you an idea, at my everyday setting, on your color version, the background looks almost black, and only when you look close can you barely see the shape of a mountain. Even putting it at my photography setting, the background is still muted enough to wonder why you are bothering with it at all.

Oh, and I set my color temperature at 6500K which is a "warmer" yellowish white and pretty close to daylight. 9000K is "hotter" with a bluish white. 5000K is a more reddish white.

Of the five, this one gets the nod so far, and it even converts into black and white ok.

And after looking at this one a little more, I see you centered the lines at the 1/3 point, and then centered the OC on them. Without the background there is a kind of "emptiness" to the top. Try putting the lines at the 2/5 point and see what that looks like. You can probably slightly enlarge the type size. It looks like you sized it to fit the Securities, and with it moved up will give you a little more room. And while you're at it, might as will try one at the 1/2 point or with the lines and OC centered.


02/23/05 9:09 AM

#2044 RE: husker #1961

I like the second take husker!!! Looks good on #9