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10/03/10 12:05 PM

#110188 RE: fuagf #110184

"Dick, do you agree with FBC's John Stossel "that some young people
are too stupid to vote"? How about some old people? What do you think?"

I don't really have an opinion on that... But that's a good question... What do you think?

"Dick, i don't know more detail. How about a specific in those you disagree with them on?"

Read my previous posts on this...

I don't subscribe to socialism as a way to solve problems. People are in a much better position if they earn what they get/have instead of having it given to them. No... I didn't say that the government shouldn't take care of the needy. Right now we have a situation where 50% of the people pay all the taxes... That's not good. We need to figure out how to make the other 50% more productive so that they can also pay taxes instead of putting all our efforts into figuring out how to take it away from those that are producing to support those that aren't.

Isn't it much better to help people become successful rather than penalize those that are? Just think about how much better the economy would be and how much more everyone could have if we put our efforts into making the lower end of the income scale successful instead of spending all this time and energy into figuring out how to take it away from someone else.

Do you want lower income families to gain assets and move up the income ladder? How do you propose that should be accomplished?

Here is a real life instance of an attempt to redistribute wealth... I disagree with it and will do all I can to make sure it doesn't happen.