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10/01/10 5:48 PM

#99072 RE: eddiebali #99068

Actually I read nothing bad about Kat in the content of your post. So future will tell how much I will win and how much you will have lost by staying on the sides wondering, shoulda,woulda, coulda...and dig some irrelevant info from the past imo.

GLTY and that's all folks for today, good night all.


10/01/10 6:27 PM

#99075 RE: eddiebali #99068

" It freaked me out when the BIG Bird asked me to post here on his behalf from time to time."

My gosh, why would that "freak you out ". Do you think you are the first person that has been asked to post for someone that was banned from a message board??????? Pray tell what kind of a reflection does that have on a stock????

"It also freaked me out when Mr Snead claimed handcamp for Kat in Dec 03."

Since you are so easily "freakd out" you must certainly realize this

"KAT Exploration Inc. is an exploration company based in Mount Pearl Newfoundland and was incorporated in December 02, 2005."

You can check the ibox for that info.Since it was Dec 03 that it was claimed there must be another explanation. Ken was at Cornerstone then so it was in that time. Whether there was an agreement in place to allow him to claim property I don't know, as a matter of fact I had asked you before if you had found that info out so we would all know if the claim was on the up and up,I am still waiting for your DD report. You know what they say when you assume.....

"Stead himself has said publicly that handcamp is the priority, so bvig/katg will be the big mover

Is there going to be a mass exodus from katx to buy katg"

It's a good question and right now it is the priority. If there were to be great drilling results at RR who is to say that it would not become the priority? Not for me to say and part of what goes into owning a pink......

"Its a shame some boards only want to hear good news.

I welcome whatever you dig up. As a matter of fact I am anxious to hear what you find out on the Dec 03 claim by Ken so we can get that matter cleared up and not go on just conjecture.....


10/01/10 9:01 PM

#99097 RE: eddiebali #99068

Hey Eddie,

Do me a favor and keep ALL your results, your opinion is Welcome though. Many can see how blindly many folks are without reading ALL the DD provided from within, Yes its one Big Cult imo.
I've spent time with many CEO's and the last thing any of them want Good Or Bad is Lying. There has been a slogan posted about this stock and it always ends with-The Truth Will Set You Free
Real Sure:


10/02/10 12:15 AM

#99113 RE: eddiebali #99068

eddie, It would be a good idea to post the full facts rather than shorten and distort facts. HC because of the rush for gold became the main focus. HC is not nor has it ever been the Crown Jewel. I dont think Mr Steadt ever said that. As for someone asking another person to post something for then, that is not uncommon at all. When one has been around for a while, little things dont spook them.


10/02/10 1:09 AM

#99124 RE: eddiebali #99068

Sir, Katx now has a geologist named James Weick. A while ago he was supervising Voisey Bay, a 60 Billion dollar find. Mr. Weick now holds claims in his name, and just joined the Board of directors with. Do you think Katx had Mr Weick sign an agreement that would end his other business? If one of his properties hit big and there were other claims added would they be ours and belong to Katx? Your post indicates a big misconception of the exploration and mining business. As far as the other person mentioned in your post, he was nice to you and tucked you under his wing. He invited you into his world class Katx Skype DD room for no other reason than to share information. A few of us are looking foreword to meeting you at the first Katx convention so we can discuss how we feel about a great man named Ken and so you can meet the other great person you besmirched, in person.