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Gold Seeker

10/01/10 12:53 PM

#27381 RE: opportunityknocking #27380

Opportunity stated: "If they came to Biocurex they were interested and either Berger or Moro LET THEM WALK."

Not necessarily. We do not know the paticulars of the negotiations but it they only wanted an exclusive deal, Moro would need to dump Abbott because Abbott has vet rights and can sublicense vet rights.

I doubt if Moro is willing to dump Abbott because Abbott is great for PR even if they are actually doing nothing. Moro and Burger can alwasy cite and actually do cite all the huge numbers IF Abbott actually did sell RECAF.
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Gold Seeker

10/01/10 12:58 PM

#27382 RE: opportunityknocking #27380

Opportunity stated: "This re-launch IMO is peculiar."

IMO, it is more than peculiar, I think it is a sham. The sales have been poor and I think it is managements excuse for why the sales were bad. "Oh, we didn't really launch it back February when we said we did." "We're going to launch it now."
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Gold Seeker

10/01/10 1:13 PM

#27383 RE: opportunityknocking #27380

Opportunity stated: "There is no update anywhere on the collection of new data they make reference to in the pr, so what and where is this new information on the data that requires a relaunch and will drive new sales?"

Opportunity, first of all, what exactly was the "data" Moro collected. From what I gather from Vet comments, it was an offer for a free test to participate in a study. Now really, think about that for a minute. Who are the subjects? Answer: a group of uncontrolled subjects. Who knows if they are normal or if they have cancer. The Vet might make comments on the medical condition of the animal but that is the extent of any control. IMO, any data collected via that method would be junk. Sure, it is data but is it worth anything?

IMO, the real reason for the so called data collection was FREE SAMPLES. When the inhouse studies were done, Moro Obtained samples from reliable sources that were either known to be normal or known to be cancer. Now, that can be a controlled study.
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Gold Seeker

10/01/10 1:24 PM

#27384 RE: opportunityknocking #27380

Opportunity stated:

"FIVE catalysts that will move this stock
1)positive earnings


2)new licensee

YES, unless they just give the license away like RPC.

3)insider buying

They will never inside buy. Why, they have given themselves 28.5 million options. Just a note. Moro actually bought some stock back from an employee who had lost money and wrote off the difference. Management can manipulate their holdings. Moro exercised over 3.5 million options and a few months later, unexercised them. What a joke.

4)company is bought out

Moro would never sell the company. He will let it go broke before he would sell.

5)pulished data in a well regarded medical journal"

Moro has done this and it has not helped.