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10/01/10 12:06 AM

#71617 RE: Johnik #71614


I was not insinuating anything, pro or con, and have no idea what the plans are for the condensing system expansion (I would assume some kind of water chilled heat exchanger, another guess).....I was just trying to get a rough estimate of the input energy of the system, a feel for it's is often discussed here, the condenser has so far been a limiting factor, so it seems (as last known) safe to assume it must be addressed at some I said, looking for an idea what kind of capacity we are talking about....I see no reason for it being a show stopper, but it is one more thing to get done (if not already).....

BTW, I doubt all the input heat needs to be expelled by a condenser, probably only enough to get the fractions to liquefy, and down to a manageable temp.....and a cooling system does not take as much energy to run as the energy it can "pump", typically 20%-30% or so is a good rule of thumb (however, most chillers are primary rated in their cooling capacity, not energy example would be AC unit capable of pumping 10kW, but consuming 2kW of power)....and as ST pointed out, often waste heat can be used for other might even be used to preheat the plastic in a future iteration.....

sorry about the confusion.....I used the off-gas energy as a check vs the heat capacity needed, and they seem in the ballpark.....I'm not challenging anything really, just trying to see if the numbers meshed, and they did close enough for this guesstimate....

PS: my other assumptions are also pointed out (such as 500 deg C Temp change), they may not be 100%, but it seems to make sense when approached from either direction.........and as always, I am open to debate and correction but responses such as "you don't have a clue" weren't very helpful in seeing any possible errors.....