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02/20/05 10:22 PM

#1022 RE: Koikaze #1021

ZEEV, NEAR TERM - up to ZEEV:360842, 02/20/05

02/14: (358190) (*COMMENT*)

(Part 1)
Zeev, I am a little confused again (as usual). When are you expecting the last hurrah and at what target?

(Part 2)
The nominal date was supposed to be 2/23 and the target was in the 200 to 2250 area, but if we do not take out 2112 with some gusto early in the week, who knows, either that is delayed, or maybe it does not happen. Not much excess exuberance so far, so it may take time to mature, or it may get aborted. Got to see the numbers day by day now.

(Part 3)
i have reviewed all of your recent posts, and i am somewhat confused by your post below, as it seems as tho you feel that the nassacre may get aborted? thanks in advance, pg

"The nominal date was supposed to be 2/23 and the target was in the 200 to 2250 area, but if we do not take out 2112 with some gusto early in the week, who knows, either that is delayed, or maybe it does not happen. Not much excess exuberance so far, so it may take time to mature, or it may get aborted. Got to see the numbers day by day now."

Hey, there is always such a possibility, after all, we had nassacres (early year swoon down) now in one way or another five years in a row....

02/15: (359098) (*COMMENT*)

(Part 1)
Zeev cash position now. Thanks

(Part 2)
Cash position high here at 50% or so, they won't get me my bids... (g).

(Part 3)
Why is your cash position so high if you still think we're going to 2200 or so...or do you?

Because I could not find bargains to replace what I sold...

02/16: (359322) (*COMMENT*)
Zeev, seems like Iran situation may become the trigger for the downleg in the market you were looking for. I remember how the uncertainty of Iraq invasion was depressing the markets. Iran is even more complex situation, larger, tougher enemy. Iraq still a mess. Could put a damper on any optimism.

It sure is scaring the market everytime it seems to flare up.

02/16: (359721) (*COMMENT*)

(Part 1)
Does its inability to take out 2112 this week spell doom for the Naz going forward?

(Part 2)
I am not sure about doom, but it is a major concern and the lack of put buying on the swoon today ia an additional concern.

(Part 3)
On the other hand, isn't there usually a blow off period of high optomism in the market just before a major turn occurs?

Yes there is, that is why still have the possibility of a blow up run of some 100 Naz points before the nassacre sets in, then I would expect the EPC to drop well under .5, even under .44.

02/18: (360544) (*COMMENT*)
Zeev, are you seeing much more down the next few days for the COMP before another lift? Some post expirty week down?? Put/call high today, but, of course, maybe skewed due to expiry?? Thanks in advance.

No I actually have a strong week next week.