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09/29/10 8:40 PM

#33122 RE: TheCiscoKidd #33119

oh ~kidd ...

"the staged legal action"

You mean (please say it can't be so) that whole APA affair was staged? That it was preplanned? a ruse? rigged? a ... SCAM????

The same as the moon-powered windmills? same as the elf (including the masterfully planned and executed "test" at the RBI) and elf's first cousin the vaamp? What about the incredible edible cotton seeds? Or the more curent drug tester (in all its iterations)?

Who would ever conceive of doing such things ????????????????????

And w h y o w h y ??????????????????????

It's enough to make a body sick. Or in some cases, very very broke.
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09/29/10 11:18 PM

#33123 RE: TheCiscoKidd #33119


Lets see if we can really put some light on your anaology of Easter Bunny funds, etc. So exactly what are we talking about.

Did MP and his puppets award themselves a bunch of stock outside all the stock that the 30 plus million received. Don't think so. Do the math diddy. Look at the stock that Cdex had to assign to people that invested into the company.

I mean afterall, even a few shares were purchased by the puppets of MP. A few I said. Lets take a stab and say the puppets of MP, such as his BOD, and office management , have 5 milion shares, MP has approximately 7 million. Do you think all their stock is already gone, half gone, or they still have all of it?

12 million shares could gone to the market and maybe bring an average of what per share? The stock price could get as low as a penny, or lower, if all that stock is unloaded. But for arguements sake, lets say they get 5 cents per share. So $600,000 goes out to "Employees, Family, Consultants and select PP shareholders" , composed of 30 people. Each insider would get an average of $20,000.00!!!

The insiders never had to bring a vote to shareholders to get MP gone. Back stage dude, get back stage. Try and pay attention.

Imho, you keep talking about rs and his 4 or 5 alias's and all the places he seems to be. Yet, not one of you through this post have figured out the thing. Hello, you payin attention?

Listen to your silly post, you call an action started NOT by rs, but by ra, a scripted fraud. 10,000 share holders, maybe more, and 3 or 4 opted out. One or two wrote the judge. WHat a joke those letters were. But 9,996 went along. But you say, it was a planned scam, with attorneys from New York and Washington State, A judge from Texas, a shareholder from Wisconsin and Texas. LOL!!!

Then, a fake APA came along, according to you, once again there was a big conspiracy was involved, once again rs is somehow involved, Dr. Poteet is in on it, I think you said Mr. Brumfield is working in the back ground with MP buying real estate, and Mark Baker and was in California doing something. LOL

Go and check yoself into a halfway house. You need some help. It is overwhelming in regards to belief factor, where shareholders hang their belief in. Hint, not you and this IHUB board of nay sayers. Well, lets just say, that the SEC and the Feds, have looked at several avenues of concern.

SO where is the company now, and who is gone and who is there? One figure has weathered every storm, and he is now back. But oh my gosh, he is a scamster, LOL. Hey dude, check the front of the stage, you know, the one the SEC was on, and the feds were on. LOL!!!

Your post are just exactly like the letters to that Judge in Texas, not worth the # they are typed on. (W) But oh my my, they will be worth something, imho.

Talk about your circle flies, you gottem by the millions, dude.

BUT, I do gotta agree with a sentence you said, there are many ppers and shareholders that bought into MP for a while. 2003-2007 was MP and the puppets best haul. By 2008, the ppers were getting after MP pretty good, in 2009, they were eyeball to eyeball with him. 2010 brought a very intense heat into the kitchen. Back stage and front stage on fire. Time to leave, and take all the MP puppets out as well.

Imho, gf will not want to stay for much longer,he too will exit the stage.