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09/28/10 8:34 AM

#75857 RE: alias accumulator #75855

how did i know that was going to happen.. ;-(
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Caddy Man

09/28/10 8:39 AM

#75859 RE: alias accumulator #75855

No need for people to question if this is real or not. Larry's commercial pics are online, bottle manufacturing pics online, sticker pics online. Launch is happening.
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09/28/10 8:44 AM

#75863 RE: alias accumulator #75855

I agree 100%. I have made a FEW calls and sent a FEW emails over the past month or so but I can imagine the level of calling some people make. People get burned in the pinks and I think alot has to do with trying to protect an investment. I am a believer in HFBG and would love to see some 8's or 9's today before the big announcement. We are on the verge of a major breakout IMO!
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Make In A Livin

09/28/10 8:55 AM

#75874 RE: alias accumulator #75855

I am usually a go with the flow kind of person, and while I agree with you that constant badgering of HFBG partners involved in the launch of the tea is not a good thing, this all could have been prevented by HFBG if they had been more forthcoming with information to us shareholders. I personally have not made a single call. More frequent PR's with clear information, and re-direction back to the website for specific updates would have been a much better way to keep us all informed over the past few months.
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09/28/10 8:55 AM

#75875 RE: alias accumulator #75855

HFBG Posters - Please heed this man's urging to stop bothering management and their partners/supply chain. Have you ever fallen behind on a payment? Have you then had your creditor calling you incessantly? How did you like it? You didn't and you got sick of it. So try grabbing some understanding here. As was said in this man's post. If you doubt what's going on to the point of this kind of paranoia, just sell your shares to one of us and move on to another ticker. It's that simple. But do STOP bothering these people! Thank you. gl
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09/28/10 8:58 AM

#75876 RE: alias accumulator #75855

Thanks Alias. I hope people listen to you. I raised this as a concern last week when people were encouraging others to call the distributor. It was looking like the Goya situnation all over again. Last weeks PR on the distribution update from HFBG should have put everyone at ease. It did me.
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alias accumulator

09/28/10 9:37 AM

#75898 RE: alias accumulator #75855

Attention read post# 75855!
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09/28/10 9:40 AM

#75899 RE: alias accumulator #75855

It seems to me Ross should had capital already in place before he decide to expand HFBG. He instead dilutes the crap out of HFBG stock. Before all the pummpers start with the job. Heres a little reading
[b ]Hall of Fame Beverages (OTC:HFBG):
Trading With Awareness
publication date: Jun 23, 2010
author/source: Dave Reiner

HFBG - here’s one I traded a few years back. I actually made money trading this stock initially, but subsequent trades were unsuccessful, due to the dilution I was witnessing with this stock. Overall, I made money, but only because I was able to catch on to the dilution early. These companies on the pink sheets are just in the early stage in its life cycle - a stage where funding is scarce and they have to sell common stock at unfavorable prices and/or take on debt (sometimes convertible debt which can be converted into common shares at an agreed price). Most established companies that you see trading on exchanges like NASDAQ or the NYSE, generally speaking, are already well capitalized so you don’t have to worry about the dilution risk as much. So when speculating on pink sheet or otc:bb stocks, its imperative to keep a close eye on how these early stage companies are financing growth.
Today, Hall of Fame Beverages (Pink Sheets:HFBG) announced that it completed final negotiations for distribution with one of the "most respected and accomplished national marketers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic related products in North America. Unfortunately, the company also increased its authorized shares today from 2,670,000,000 to 4,700,000,000. (see filing) (traders that bought the stock at the open of the market today probably were not happy with the timing of this filing).
Traders that didn’t closely follow the HFBG’s corporate filings with the Nevada Secretary of State today got a nasty surprise. The stock traded to a high of .0012 this morning on the news, but shortly after, the stock started plummeting (likely due to some traders catching on about the filing), hitting a low of .0004. This is just one of many examples I see all the time in the microcap market where you really have to do homework on the stocks you trade. If you enter a trade and haven’t done the necessary due diligence before the purchase due to a fast-moving market, just take a few minutes after your trade to check a company’s filings, call their transfer agent, and check out their filings with the secretary of state where the company is domiciled. Just a few minutes of due diligence can save you thousands of dollars.
I’m not trying to diminish the accomplishments of HFBG - they seem like they are genuinely trying to build a company here, and I think they have some interesting looking products. This is just one of many companies trying to build something real and having a challenging time with financing. Its just a fact of life in the otc market, so as traders, we just need have sufficient awareness about the stocks we trade.
alittle something Heres the link
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09/28/10 9:57 AM

#75911 RE: alias accumulator #75855

As I said before, somethings never change. The last set of longs did this too.

Grow up, out there!

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09/28/10 10:07 AM

#75917 RE: alias accumulator #75855

If they didn't have a bad history there would be no need for the calls. If they were as transparent as they said they would be again no need to call. It is like getting a loan if you have a bad credit history no lender believes you will repay therefore with so many attempts at this with many symbol changes, we as investors loaning our money to HFBG want to make sure we see a return on our investment. My advice to HFBG would be to pull the curtains open so all can see inside. In other words be transparent like you stated.
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Don in Illinois

09/28/10 10:17 AM

#75919 RE: alias accumulator #75855

I believe I mentioned something like that before.... that they are going to get pissed at everyone calling.... and for those that did call them to share their findings.... but No.. you and others kept pushing for everyone to do their own DD and call them for themselves !!

Now here is an excuse Calvin can use to say why he won't be rolling out product this week.....
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09/28/10 10:18 AM

#75920 RE: alias accumulator #75855

Alias, I 1000% agree. Many years ago I held a stock. They had great potential. Shareholders harrassed the source of a major contract and the contract was dropped. The company has since gone into oblivion and never recovered.

It is serious. I had 146 million shares that are worthless and filed as worthless on my taxes. I lost big becuase of freaking out investors that put money into a "sure thing" and it "took too long".

There is no such thing , never will be a such thing and you cannot plan on such a thing as a "sure thing".

My gosh, Some of these you have to wait years to be profitable.

ALWAYS let the company do their job. The short answer some get today through intimidation will severely damage the company's reputation, intent and progress.

I waited 5 years for Taser to go, and there were so many road blocks, hurdles and stumbling along the way.

People, a stock at .0006 does not go to 0.10 buy badgering, harrassment, intimidation and "I want".

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09/28/10 1:22 PM

#76051 RE: alias accumulator #75855

Need to agree with Alias.
If you need to call, PLEASE BE PLEASANT!!!!
Your only talking to an employee of one of the companies
And not the owners.

So far everything in the previous PR's has happened!!!!
Give HFBG a chance to get product to store for their launch!!
PR said sometime this week,
so let's give them the benefit of the doubt (to funny as I'm writing this)
And see what happens by weeks end and if your not satisfied sell your shares and move on!!!!

I'm here for the long haul.
I've got a gut feeling about this one
And my gut is usually right...
So have some patience and in the words of Bob Weir:

"I may be going to hell in a bucket babe,
But at least I'm enjoying the ride"
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09/28/10 6:28 PM

#76137 RE: alias accumulator #75855

It is so easy to tell who has their rent money tied up in HFBG. The plan is coming together at Hall of Fame, but obviously these things take time, and those with rent money tied up here just can't wait... the bill collector is calling. As much as we would all like the product to be made on a Monday, reach distributors by Tuesday, hit the shelves by Wednesday and start seeing profit on Thursday, that just isn't how it works. I would love to log in to this message board just once and read through the day's posts and actually not question if they were written by children or adults.

You are right we do have a mob mentality here... a mob of desperate folks who have rent money tied up in this. All of us who have invested responsibly are relaxed and just waiting for the goods!! It's easy to tell who is who here. I just hope everyone wins in this stock, and in the end everyone can start posting like normal people and orderly investors.