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02/18/05 4:54 PM

#52515 RE: jhalada #52509

Re: How much differences do these things make for the end user? Consider PCs. There were some new featurs (MMX, DDR, SSE, RDRAM, integrated video, SSE-2, DDR-2, AMD64, integrated networking, disk controllers, wireless) and companies such as Intel and AMD always caught up with the other one in very short time, or some features started on high end models first, eventually migrated to the rest of the line. How much all these differences really made to the users, as far as being on bleeding edge and getting something 6 months to 1 year earlier than everyone else?

I don't think it's fair to consider the advances Intel introduced prior to their platform shift. Most of the features you mention came years ago, when Intel was still centric on the CPU. I think features going forward are going to take greater levels of investment in the platform, and AMD will be harder pressed to do the same with 3rd parties.

Re: Sun would be idiotic in their hubris not to offer both Intel and AMD, to at least let their customers make the choice.

>>Are you saying that Dell's policy is idiotic?

Dell chose to go exclusively with the volume manufacturer, while Sun is placing all their bets on a temporary interconnect advantage from AMD. 3 years down the line, do you expect AMD to once again reinvent themselves and Intel to be similarly disadvantaged? Can Sun hope for the same miracle to happen twice?