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09/24/10 6:52 PM

#109412 RE: Mariner* #109410



09/24/10 7:41 PM

#109423 RE: Mariner* #109410

Mariner*, and all -- some of Sara's Sarah -- plus a couple of her Michele:


Wonkette's Hot Topix with SARAH PALIN!

The greatest human ever born takes over Rep. Michele Bachmann's vlog in support of her very favorite candidate.


SARAH PALIN returns to Wonkette's Hot Topix!

Rep. Michele Bachmann excitedly introduces her personal Lord and Savior, Sarah Heath Palin, for a return visit to Michele's weekly vlog.


and further to the Sarah Palin Vlogs collection linked at :

Gov. Sarah Palin Vlog: EXTRAS AND OUTTAKES!

A wacky little treasure trove of extra footage and outtakes from Gov. Sarah Palin Vlogs 1-6.

With Sara Benincasa as Sarah Palin

and Diana Saez as Dina

Thanks to Sam Weston and Francesco Marciuliano


Wonkette's Hot Topix w/MICHELE BACHMANN: Curing the Gays!

Michele and her husband, Dr. Marcus Bachmann, know a LOT about curing the gays.


Wonkette's Hot Topix with Michele Bachmann: Gay Bribes

Rep. Bachmann has a plan to keep the gays from committing their filthy sex acts.


09/24/10 7:55 PM

#109424 RE: Mariner* #109410

Christine O'Donnell Says She'd Stop The Whole Country From Having Sex

Christine O'Donnell Will Stop America From Sexing Each Other (VIDEO)

Sweet sassy molassey! People are still finding clips of GOP Delaware Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell saying strange things on the teevee? Apparently, Christine O'Donnell was, all this time, one of the most televised figures in politics. Additionally, her desire to stop the unmarried masses from making sweet, sweet love to one another was astoundingly ambitious.

From Greg Sargent, here's a clip of O'Donnell enthusiastically vowing to keep America from having sex.

It all went down on a 2003 episode of "Scarborough Country," which was "Morning Joe" before Mika and the Starbucks sponsorship, when the dude who hosted "The Grind" on MTV would just show up wearing a T-shirt and just start straight up opining at Joe Scarborough! It was a wild, more unrestrained time in American life, and Christine O'Donnell had a dream of throwing a wet towel on the whole thing:

NIES: I tell them to be careful. You have to wear a condom. You have to protect yourself when you're going to have sex, because they're having it anyway...There's nothing that you or me can do about it.

O'DONNELL: The sad reality is -- yes, there is something you can do about it. And the sad reality, to tell them slap on a condom is not --

NIES: You're going to stop the whole country from having sex?

O'DONNELL: Yeah. Yeah!

NIES: You're living on a prayer if you think that's going to happen.

O'DONNELL: That's not true. I'm a young woman in my thirties and I remain chaste.

So there you have it! If you've been having trouble getting laid, maybe Christine O'Donnell is the one keeping it from happening.


09/25/10 10:18 PM

#109573 RE: Mariner* #109410

The Masturbation Lobby

Christine O'Donnell
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Message to Christine O'Donnell: Hands off my hobby.

By Joel Stein
Posted Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2010, at 3:27 PM ET

Unlike most politicians, who fear taking on the enormous interest group of people with hands, Christine O'Donnell has come out against masturbation. "The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can't masturbate without lust," she said in 1996. "If he already knows what pleases him and he can please himself, then why am I in the picture?" O'Donnell, now the Republican nominee for senator in Delaware, has no idea how difficult it is for men to masturbate without pictures.

She made these philosophical statements as founder of the Christian lobbying group Savior's Alliance for Lifting the Truth, which sprung out of her earlier work for the anti-porn group Enough Is Enough [ ], whose president, Donna Rice Hughes, found her calling after her extramarital affair with former Sen. Gary Hart. O'Donnell found her truth after going to college in New Jersey and having sexual relationships with men she wasn't dating, which I thought was pretty much covered by "going to college in New Jersey." In college she also says she "dabbled into witchcraft," which may have so disgusted her that it led to her anti-onanistic beliefs, since witches masturbate more than any group except sirens, wood nymphs, succubae, and every member of every male species.

Though O'Donnell has been ridiculed for her prudishness, I actually think she's right. Masturbation is bad for marriage. Our pornified, DIY sex culture leads to husbands who would rather go to their man-cave for an hour than attempt to negotiate intimacy with their wives—especially because many of those wives aren't Asian. Just like we'd be closer to our spouses if we could only eat in their presence, so we would be really eager to see our wives if we didn't masturbate. Also, we'd be much more efficient. Imagine if we used our computers only for work. The industrial revolution would have never happened if, when you pulled the factory lever one way you made a Model T, and if you moved it the other way, you saw hot girl-on-girl action.

My wife, who isn't completely wrong to worry that porn images have ruined my ability to connect in a natural way, thinks it's healthy if I masturbate to fantasies about her. This is incredibly naïve. If she had any idea of what was being done to her in those fantasies, those would be the ones she would be trying to get rid of first.

Being anti-masturbation was not an insane opinion a few decades ago. The masturbation episode of Seinfeld [ ] was shocking in 1992, and Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders had to resign in 1994 because she suggested that self-love be taught as part of sexual education. Which would have been a great idea, since then there would have been at least one subject in which boys got better grades than girls.

To see if I could cut down on my addiction, I called Craig Gross,* the founder of the Christian porn-addiction site [ ]. He was strongly anti-masturbation, saying he'd rather his kids slipped up and had sex before marriage than started a lifelong pattern of self-pleasure that they couldn't break even after finding a spouse. "Laurence Fishburne's daughter goes into porn and it's, 'Poor Laurence Fishburne.' But then Christine O'Donnell makes this statement and we jump down her throat for that," he said. "No one wants to lump it all into the same camp: the porn, the masturbation, the unfaithful spouses, and Tiger Woods' mistresses in People magazine." Gross also said a lot of specific stuff about how much women get paid to do different sexual acts in porn, which must have been weird for him since I could hear his children in the back of his car as he drove them to a Jonas Brothers concert. They may be the only children in America who will need more therapy than my son.

After giving it a lot of thought, I don't think I'm going to stop masturbating. I mean, I will while I'm typing this column, but that's about it. And I don't think Christine O'Donnell should be a senator even of a completely made-up state like Delaware. But she and the rest of the far-right movement do play an important role in my life. If we listen to them instead of reflexively mocking them—which is very difficult to do, especially when they dabble in witchcraft—they can force us to consider the downside of progress. By which I mean lots and lots of porn.

But there is another kind of progress: It's undeniably better for kids not to grow up ashamed of their bodies and sexual desires, which led some of them to suicide, self-flagellation, and the priesthood. Conservatives like O'Donnell argue that social norms formed by millions of people over thousands of years have a wisdom that must be weighed against progress. All improvements have downsides, and we might want to make sure our virtual sex lives don't consume our real ones. Even if they are much, much, much better. I've got to go.

Joel Stein is a columnist for Time magazine. He also has a book coming out, but not until 2012, so it's not worth mentioning.

© Copyright 2010 Washington Post.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC [with comments]


08/18/12 2:59 AM

#182272 RE: Mariner* #109410

Christine O'Donnell To Headline Troublemaker Fest In Tampa

Posted: 08/16/2012 10:10 pm Updated: 08/17/2012 4:43 pm

Republican Christine O’Donnell, who made an unsuccessful U.S. Senate bid in Delaware in 2010 is returning [ ] to the political spotlight.

The Tea Party favorite will headline Troublemaker Fest, a five-day event in Tampa that overlaps with the Republican National Convention. According [id.] to a press release for the event, the gathering will include "the first-ever National Tea Party vs. Occupy Movement debate."

O’Donnell, who will perhaps always be remembered for a now-infamous 2010 campaign ad [ ] in which she told voters "I'm not a witch... I'm you," endorsed [ ] Romney in his campaign for the White House last year.

Responding to her support, Romney said in a statement at the time, "Christine has been a leader in the conservative movement for many years." He added, "Christine recognizes that excessive government threatens us now and threatens future generations, and I am pleased to have her on my team."

Copyright © 2012, Inc. [with embedded video, a collection of "Christine O'Donnell's Greatest Hits", and comments]


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