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09/22/10 9:20 PM

#16652 RE: pxxpy7 #16650

Then call the company yourself and get educated. Trust me on this Docent isn't here to learn about the company he or she is trying to bring it down.


09/22/10 9:29 PM

#16656 RE: pxxpy7 #16650

well here is a great idea You can open up your own hydrogen cell discussion board Im sorry its already there You can go there and learn all about the technology ,,But maybe you really should ask the company directly about the nuts and bolts of the thing There is the only place you will get the straight answer Then you can invest in it


09/22/10 9:44 PM

#16660 RE: pxxpy7 #16650

Good for you! (Kindly read below)

I don't choose to get my DD from a message board,... but that's just me! Moreover, I don't prefer to waste my time not knowing who the arbitrary person/potential yahoo may be with whom I am to engage on these boards. More importantly, I am not an expert & neither are most on this board. If this gentleman was thoroughly interested, I suspect he would go to the source & if he would be so kind--- I would be fascinated to hear a succinct summary of what his burning concerns were, how the company addressed them & what conclusions he has derived as a consequence. But, then again, that's me!! I go to the SOURCE & many other posters who have suggested the same have also (in my experience on this board) done EXACTLY THAT as well. Josey, put it best in my opinion; IF you truly want to know,... go to the source!

I appreciate your opinion & I have versed mine as you now know. I have found that most folks who say they want to know all,...are often the least informed; they rarely if ever (in my experience) HAVE PICKED up the phone, CONVERSED with the CEO, spoke with engineers, operational officers, competitors, etc (as I often do when I take the kind of position I have established here) & then claim they don't want censorship! Neither do I, but the poster could be doing all of us a GREAT service by using HIS expertise to inquire after those with the requisite professional knowledge & then BRINGING BACK THAT INFORMATION TO THE GROUP--- good or bad!!

The way some posters go about their inquiries is, it seems to me, poor DD, or shoddy investigative work at best!! Call me "arrogant" or "pompous" as you have other posters,... in the end, that's what makes sense to me! jmho fwiw

PS- Question for YOU!

Now I could ask you a "fair & straight question" in the hopes that you would be completely honest. What DD did you perform before investing here? Did you go to the source, contact the company, converse with the CEO & learn about this investment at some point in time before dipping your feet in the waters here? You claim to want to know as much as possible, did you actively partake in the process? Were you proactive? Did you get your info from the board, friend, cousin, hunch, what? I am curious....inquiring minds want to know!

PSS- According to your posts...

The boards! Did you go to the source for answering your own questions? Did you do your part, use your expertise & voice and go to the company, get answers & then inform the board? NO, not that I have seen. AND YET MANY of the posters who have been here faaaaar longer than you, have done EXACTLY that--- no one is being hypocritical here, people that have voiced their opinions have been regular contributors to the strength of our collective investment & group as shareholders in this fine company. You would do well to KNOW that!!