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09/21/10 1:03 PM

#8300 RE: Digra Ive #8299

On CWRN's website they indicate apparently as of 2008 that the govt had reviewed and approved the land use plan for the mining concession(that's the big hump-I did land use planning and negotiations for many years and was President of a land management organization for many years),but implied the permits were on hold because CWRN apparently either didn't have funds for the 60000 permit cost or didn't want to pay such until landowner negotiations were finalized-an apparent circular process in Mexico also-which was resolved a couple months ago.

Now that they apparently have a big investor funding the road building and incipient production(as shown by the pictures posted by others-if you get a chance post a picture of the crusher)and the equipment,which is expensive,they still have to pay the production permit fees.
Recent press releases state they are planning on permitting additional areas at the same time. This could easily raise permit fees to over 100k, assuming no rise in permit fees since 2008.

Once land use planning is approved it is normally just a matter of red tape and bonding requirements-at least in the U.S.
However, as many businessmen have reported, "negotiations" in Mexico are often a circular process. You have an agreement and are ready to go and then various levels of govt,quasi or not etc need more money as part of the agreement. This is just a plausible speculation as to the reason for the delay.

Suppose the permit fees are suddenly 200k. The investor has only budgeted or has funds for 100k permit fee. If investor has no further liquid funds CWRN would have to raise the rest.
This may be an explanation for yesterdays large volume.

We figure mm's and shorters etc have been doing their thing-they play many games,but if buys yesterday exceeded sells by 6 to 1 as a previous post reported from level 2(please explain how you can tell that from level 2 for the rest of us),CWRN may have been raising money yesterday for additional permit fees-I see no indication of that today-so if that is the case hopefully they now have the necessary funds for the fees.

Nothing to worry about-the money made from production will dwarf permit fees. This is just my best guess as to the reason for the delay in the expected PR confirming the production permits have been issued. At this point it should just be a matter of red tape,because in societies which recognize individual rights and property rights,once land use is approved and company expends funds they have certain rights and entitlements which the govt cannot deny.

When I talked to Bob 8-31-10 he indicated they were not issuing shares and was not even thinking about pinksheets or stock price -saying "production will take care of that" and was confident they'd have shipments soon and said there'd be a PR the next week. So the only delay I can see is in unexpectedly high permit fees which necessitate the need to scrounge more money-a common story.

By the time you successfully get one of these things going you feel like you've been riddled/shot through like swiss cheese from all sides-everybody wanting their piece and thinking, just let me get production started and you will all get your money.