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09/20/10 5:58 PM

#12807 RE: vicvic #12806

Just checking in here myself...this has been bothering me all day! What the heck!!??!

How is 100,000,000,000 even fathomable??? After you've diluted something nothing...seriously, they may as well just stand on top of the Space Needle in Seattle and start throwing shares up into the Jet stream for all of America to have some for free!!

The only thing that would even make sense to me is that they have something so huge up their sleeve...its just too "pie in the sky" to even go down that road.

I stand bewildered....

All comments and opinions welcome.



09/20/10 6:00 PM

#12808 RE: vicvic #12806

It doesn't make any sense to me either, it seems as if they are preparing to abandon ship. I think the 'concept' the company had was solid, and they could of really capitalized on the whole oil spill and now hurricane season. Seems they are not interested in helping share holders, and only interested in taking hard earned money.