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Zeev Hed

10/19/02 3:44 PM

#492 RE: happy #491

You may want to first read his posts to me or "about me" earlier, that will explain what you call "friendly fire" and term "statement of facts".
You may want to reread JW characterization of me:
For instance from #msg-544022: "Zeev since a sincere mental challenge, laced with political overtones he is vulnerable in a few critical places I dont mean for abuse, I mean rather for exposing fallacious views that might someday seriously
undermine both his positions and those of his copycatters".
Fallacious views? He decides if some views are fallacious or not? Under what authority? His genius? Just a relic from the days of the Imperial times.

or: #msg-544173: "from your claim last spring that the USGovt was managing the dollar currency properly and responsibly had a hundred undercurrents, supported by your few comments about required national spending levels, which has direct socialist implications, thus politics your comments seemed laughable then, laughable now"

and then outlandish lies like: "you claimed then to have knowledge and teaching experience regarding gold and banking," it would be intereting to see a citation from SI or I-hub where I ever claimed teaching anything outside mathematics, physics, biotechnology, chemistry and bioethics, though I don't remember even mentioning these activities either on SI or I-hub, till now.


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10/19/02 7:59 PM

#495 RE: happy #491

Zeev does not engage in intellectual discourse very well
dont worry, Haps...
this exchange has been going on since early June
he has trouble admitting his limitations
his gold views are straight out of conventional Federal Reserve treatises
no historical understanding whatsoever, thus political expedience
he seems to prefer to have infinite intellectual reach
he needs to keep things short
but mainly he needs to speak down to people

his quotes from June will be clear
such as June 7th

"I used to teach quite a lot, and anyone that would give me a five page argument would fail. The case for and the case against gold can be made each with half a page, even that might be too much.
gold is not a metal which is in short supply once the price is above $300/ounce"

arrogant, and ignoring all investment gold potential
I produced 20 reasons why gold will thrive, now I have 21
each reason could have a cogent argument in favor of gold, composed within 1-1/2 pages
if Xeev cannot get past half a page, then his problem
depth of argument transcends beyond the shallow gold bylines

getting hungry, more later
very amusing childish outburst by Xeev
he must resort to name calling when frustrated by limitations of comprehension
my guess is he loves argument, will return, but instead hates discussion except when he sits on some throne

/ jim

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10/22/02 2:17 PM

#554 RE: happy #491

deposited a golden egg onto Xeev's thread
check it out if you care
no zingers, just allusion to Rich Russell as ...
another pagan golden calf cowboy

/ jim