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09/20/10 3:50 PM

#27410 RE: onemessageonly #27409

What I love to hear!


09/20/10 3:52 PM

#27411 RE: onemessageonly #27409

However we close, this has gone sideways for one great reason . . . news is on the way and investors are buying the dips, IMO


09/20/10 3:55 PM

#27413 RE: onemessageonly #27409

Purchased all I can... I'm out of money!! :)

Even moved my IRA into LBSR this morning. My investment guy is about to have a heart attack.


09/20/10 4:00 PM

#27418 RE: onemessageonly #27409

i took a chunk, thanks omo!!!


09/20/10 5:55 PM

#27441 RE: onemessageonly #27409

well i feel like im in the arden forest, dug in , shelled continously,the weather is cold,snow,fog, no air support,many will run, some will make it most day soon the sky will part. then we will move forward, the prize is at hand if you look farther than your ?#$%@.


09/21/10 3:23 AM

#27504 RE: onemessageonly #27409

looking at today's chart, i see two interesting periods...and both were large volumes at 1.25 mil and 1 mil between noon and one pm...looks like , and hope its the final grasp at those dips to .08 when the stock was trading ..093 .097 large accounting settles...before this

Last chance today. Make it count


dang, we be waiting for this show to unfold... cmon NAKkers get er done! show us the money...


09/21/10 9:07 AM

#27520 RE: onemessageonly #27409


Thanks to the BS lawsuit I was able to add more shares and now hold a substantial position in LBSR; more than I ever thought of.

Thanks for your spot on insights and DD.


09/22/10 2:33 PM

#28050 RE: onemessageonly #27409

Guess not.


09/22/10 9:19 PM

#28360 RE: onemessageonly #27409

Hey OMO, I'd like to hear a comment from you concerning the last 2 days trading events.

From my perspective, not what I thought would come about.

I feel somewhat like I am eating "CROW" and I am not used to eating "CROW" those damn feathers and all get caught in my craw.

Yes, we all know the stock will eventually be worth a hell of a lot more, but I'd like your take on the 13G, the fairly large volume today and drop in price.

My take is that Alpha actually did get the shares issued in the 13G immediately, and began unloading them....unless of course the MM's and "shorters" grabbed ahold of the news and started another panic sell-off.

They shook the tree pretty danmn hard today, and I held on to every single limb and will not fall out of it.

Anyhoo, bites to have the account balance going down, but overall still very much in the green....I just love to see my account grow though, and I really thought we would hear something about the JV, what it entails, percentages, drill plans, and any other nice pieces of info they might like to share.....and get the value of the stock back up.

Again, it might be that they want Alpha to dump all of their shares and give us more cheapies, so then Alpha doesn't make much off of their 'dumping', but then we can head back up.

Regardless, we all knew this was going to be one hell of a roller-coaster ride, but I didn't really thnk we would see the .06's again..and sadly we have.

I'll finish reading the rest of the

Ta ta,
