ombow: Thanks..... No, I was just thinking out loud. I did shift some of my TZA into VXX positions because I think the potential downside vs. upside is now more favorable with VXX. I will forward some info tomorrow but my hunch thinks you may be right about limited upside. I don't fear the fundamentals....I just don't know what Bernanke has up his sleeve for Tuesday's Fed meeting. If he unleashes Quantitative Easing Part II with another couple of Trillion $$ I'm afraid we could get a strong artifical rally based on liquidity. It would make the eventual downside that much more severe but in the short run it would further crush the people with short positions. I really do think this entire run up from the late August kiss with 1040 has been a Fed induced rally, starting with that 200,000 e-min purchase.
I'm normally a pretty jaded and cynical individual but I've gotten worse lately...working too much due to high demand and some family issues...a lay off in the family which I will have to assist with financially (a relative was employed in commercial real estate finance....lost his job and $120 K a year income with no immediate prospects....apparently a lot of commercial real estate employment being downsized out of existence in Chicagoland.) Anyway I'll post some info tomorrow on what my 'tea leaves' are showing.