A 2 year prediction would be like predicting our next president.
I did make a prediction about two years ago that's been pretty much on track and hasn't completed yet. You would most likely have a hard time finding it so I'll give you the part that hasn't completed yet.
At some point(not for awhile yet) while FMCC is in pennyland(OTC) the gov (which is the largest shareholder) will dump all it's shares for pennies on the dollar. That will be followed by a R/S and a return to the big boards.
This allows Fannie and Freddie to return to normal and never pay the gov back.
I've said all along; Fannie and Freddie were created by Congress to do a job. They are back doing the job they were intended to do and they must be here to do that job when the next recession comes.
They never paid the gov back after the last recession or the S&L failure and they won't pay the gov back this time. Even though they are being operated as public companies they are and always will be an important branch of the U S gov.