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09/16/10 6:24 PM

#2470 RE: DrZhivago #2466

It's one of those things you read all over the message boards. Does it work, who knows? The big trading firms (TD,E,Scott) won't allow shorting on otcbb/pinks, so maybe it's pointless. But then again, maybe the MM's have less shares to 'look at' when they're tied up with sell orders. All I know is that if this IFXY board sticks together and the strategy works, what a powerful statement. Where do we go next to do some damage ? :)


09/16/10 6:52 PM

#2471 RE: DrZhivago #2466

Just to let you guys know, you can set a high sell price with some brokers, except Scottrade limits your sell on OTCBB & pinks to about 4 or 5 times currrent ask.

If your shares are in a cash account they cannot be loaned out for legal short sales. That mainly applies to stocks in a margin account. Margin accounts allow the broker to loan the stock to legal short sellers. Legal short selling on OTCBB and pinks is tough to accomplish and really not worth the trouble. People who say they are shorting an OTCBB or pink, truthfully are not and just trying to get you to panic-sell so they can buy cheaper. We cannot do anything about naked shorts, except lock-up-the-float, and increase the volume. Naked shorts do occur (mainly from foreign countries), but not as much as people think.

Word is getting out about IFXY, we are going to see volume start to increase and any naked shorts out there will be forced to cover. They do not take pain very long. Personally, I don't think there are that many true shorts here. What we are really seeing is MM games because the volume is low. Plus, people who got in and need to sell for personal reasons, or who just can't wait.

Remember a couple of weeks ago when the day-traders took this thing from .002 to .014 in about 2 hours with over 100M shares traded. I know one day-trader friend that was in and out of this stock five times in three hours that day. That was why the volume was so high.

Now, what happens when there are no (or very little) shares to buy and no one in our FLD group sells. Could this stock head back-up to where it was in May '09 (high of 59 cents pps) and stay there. I do not know, but I am not selling. Best to all.