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Gold Seeker

09/16/10 11:48 AM

#27274 RE: opportunityknocking #27273

Opportunity, you are correct that Mata Hari is just attempting to claim naked shorting is the explanation for the 6 cent share price. It just is not true. There would be no value shorting this stock at 6 cents because your only hope for profit would the the company going out of business. Moro has enough money to operate for a year so going out of business is not an option for fast profits.

Opportunity, it does indeed cost money to run clinical trials. They are not just some study put together for the ISOBM. The lack of Dog RECAF sales is definitely going to affect the direction the company goes. If RECAF won't sell here, it will not sell in China either. If Dog RECAF won't sell, there is no point in developing a rapid POC for Vet use.

You can see that Moro's direction has now changed to monitoring but again, with no marketing company behind development, it will go nowhere. Moro has some tough decisions to make. With little or no money from revenue, Moro has to make some management decisions. Does he just bide his time conserving money and hope Inverness/Alere does something or does he spend money on trials and hope he will be able to raise more. The last offering was for 7 cents and there is already 166 million shares outstanding.

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09/16/10 11:58 AM

#27275 RE: opportunityknocking #27273


Try contacting Tony Shor or James Foy at Investor Awareness, Inc.
@(847) 945-2222. They still represent Biocurex.

I called a few weeks ago and asked to speak to Tony Schor. He was out so Im wound up talking to James Foy.
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09/16/10 9:52 PM

#27278 RE: opportunityknocking #27273

hello all,

I know it has been a long time since I have posted here.

My overall opinion of Biocurex has certainly declined since we appear to be dead in the water.

A. No revenue
B. Promises made with no delivery.
C. Major dilution a blow to all shareholders.
D. Nothing on the horizon to indicate the technology will deliver anything to patients.
E. I think this is a sinking ship.

To sum up. Words can only get a company so far. Moro et al have failed to deliver and my faith in them has been crushed. When they run out of money for the x time what are we suppose to think?

Promises promises promises. I really hate to say it but in my eyes George W. Bush has more credibility, and I think that guy is an a**h***.

You can only say so much before people no longer believe the words coming out of your mouth. I would sell my shares but really I could only buy some toilet paper with what they're worth. Shame Shame Shame.

Dr. Moro your team has not been able to execute and you appear to have greatly misled investors. If you cannot deliver on your promises what the hell is the point?!?