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09/16/10 3:59 AM

#3798 RE: ih8aloss #3796

What Ih8aloss is saying is if you want to
gamble on something you know nothing about
but what a stranger is telling you, follow
Barrymore. If you want to invest in something
that you can see due diligence in, buy QTMM
and hold.

Penny stocks are story stocks.
No financials because no income.
No technical analysis because volatility gets
in the way. All stock investing is gambling.
When gambling you are hoping to guess right
on riding the momentum, which won't last long.
Investing is gambling with at least
having examined the product, the management,
the market for that product, whether it has
a market advantage, like one of the following,
lowest price, highest quality, superior performance,
exclusive licenses or patents for that product
or process, or if you are lucky, it has all
of the above. If you have convinced yourself
that it has enough about it to make it as
safe an investment as a penny stock can be,
which is still a high-risk gamble, then you
buy and hold and trust in your judgment and
not be swayed by a pied piper.

Most of the trades here are 10000 shares, or $1000 trades, and that tells me they are by small investors, betting a higher share of their wealth looking for the El Dorado, the big payoff, just like me. I am trading my IRA. The business world has decided that pensions were bad business and gave us all the right to invest our money ourselves, and what a great idea that was! Until 2008, just in time for the largest percentage of the population, the Baby Boomers, to be ready for retirement. But that is another story. This stock is my retirement account, and I have to be extra careful with it because it is both mine and my wife's.

I think we have answered the questions about the management, the QD, the Solar, the growing MEMS and Energy markets, the competitive edges of lowest price, highest quality, disruptive technology, superior advantages in synthesis and mass production, strategic alliances, etc. None of it is a guarantee, but
I sleep pretty good at night because we have done the research. Gambling is gambling, but I think the odds are better than I would get anywhere else. IMHO.

If you have specific questions, we will do our best to answer them. It would be good if you have done some research first
because that is the main message of this post.

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09/16/10 5:31 AM

#3799 RE: ih8aloss #3796

I didn't do SSOL. SSOL is obviously a phenomenal promo. And a company like QTMM should avoid something like that.

They are fun, if you are lucky enough to be a shareholder prior to their occuring, cause they usually take the stock up dramatically to get investors running into the stock, but SSOL I imagine, will drop off the cliff at a certain point. Probably just over ten cents. But you never know the exact point.

No, QTMM should be networking via IR, with high net individuals who understand what is around the corner. Or should I say, what should be around the corner. Its all about penetrating certain high end networks.

And what is this about an ad for QTMM? Where is this? Sounds creative and proactive.
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09/16/10 5:39 AM

#3800 RE: ih8aloss #3796

ih8aloss, appreciate the update. You don't have anything to be sorry for. Some talk the talk, others walk the walk, and you walk tall in my book. You seem to have a Don't quit, Don't cry,Do Something attitude. That's usually the sign of a winner.
Stay strong.
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09/24/10 4:26 PM

#3926 RE: ih8aloss #3796
