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Replies to #30989 on One Step Ahead


02/15/05 4:18 PM

#31010 RE: Bo14172 #30989

BO, very very nice! At least you can admit when you lose. I like that I have had my share of loser and the first one to admit it.
Thanks for the info and that is very smart trading
good luck


02/15/05 5:56 PM

#31030 RE: Bo14172 #30989

I did post it about at that time on bizarre esperience Board. You symplified and it is good. I am trying the same.
Congratulation !!!!.....

Good luck to all



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By: stervc
11 Mar 2004, 08:12 PM EST
Msg. 450 of 157846
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The $200 to $200,000 Transformation Process...

I had previously provided some stocks to consider for this process. They are currently down after having decent initial runs. I am still very confident that they will have their runs in the future. The thing that is to be considered is not necessarily the stock, rather it’s the concept that I think all should consider.

You might have to make the call to sell at the 50% level for gains, or lower. Or even for a loss as I had done at times. I will not make such decisions of informing when to sell. I can only recommend for consideration because often I have my share of being on both sides of the fence for being right and wrong.

The “$200 to $200,000 Transformation Process” is where we will be looking to find 10 stocks that will warrant 100% returns as a minimum to obtain wealth by having a monetary value of $200,000+ dollars. Again, settling for less is not bad. There is a good chance that as we increase in profits, we will consider decreasing in risk to conservatively achieve our goal level.

I will be keeping the math simple for calculation processing and because everyone has different brokerage fees. I think the main point would still get captured in doing such. We will remain flexible to revisions at any time when deemed necessary. Please observe:

The “$200 to $200,000 Transformation Process”
Stock 1 = $400
Stock 2 = $800
Stock 3 = $1,600
Stock 4 = $3,200
Stock 5 = $6,400
Stock 6 = $12,800
Stock 7 = $25,600
Stock 8 = $51,200
Stock 9 = $102,400
Stock 10 = $204,800

My Ultimate Goal with the $200 to $200,000 Transformation Process

I have a few goals in life to achieve. One of them is to be able to help thousands of people to become financially stable and wealthy to the level of peace within them selves. I want to be able to give people $200 as a "gift" (a "gift" so I can at least write it off for taxes too) and help them to convert that $200 into a reasonable large amount. It’s like one big cyclical process of economics of spreading the wealth evenly back to consumers after investing into companies. (Long story.)

Let’s consider that we fall way short of our 100% per stock goal and only obtained 50% gains per stock. This would mean that instead of achieving the $200,000 goal, we would achieve just slightly over $28,000 from our $200 initial investment. This also leaves room for positioning yourself ahead of the game if such stock goes beyond 100%. I’m thinking that even if we fail to transform $200 into $200,000, many would not be mad at me if $28,000+ was all we could accomplish. I’m guessing that we should be able to get an average minimum of 50% per stock.

Something else to note, the higher we go up in money, the better the fundamentals I will be looking for in a stock. Still, other variables will definitely have to be weighed. Risk will always be a very important variable up for consideration, but remember... nothing ventured, nothing gained. No matter how much money your $200 converts in to, it is still money that you never had, but always take profits. That choice will be yours. You will always have the option to move on at anytime with your profits.

One of the reasons I started the Yahoo and Raging Bull boards were to establish a learning environment for myself and others to grow together from the bottom in obtaining wealth. My thoughts were to come down in the trenches with those individuals that really do not have much to risk and make believers out of them. Most people with money understand that it takes money to make money. People who don’t have a whole lot are the ones that need to be taught or given an option for opportunity.

Many people have been fortunate to have thousands of dollars to invest no matter what risks involved, but there is a great many that are not near as fortunate at all. I feel for them for I have been in their situations at one time or another. I am simply trying to give/teach to them what I wish someone had given/taught to me back when I was in those moneyless times in my life. As I had stated before, years ago, it’s better to teach a man how to fish than it is to keep giving fish. After learning how to fish, you will now always have the option to decide when you would want to take a break from fishing to begin eating some of those fishes caught.

I hope this explains my thoughts with the "$200 to $200,000 Transformation Process" and the ultimate goal. I wish for all of us to become prosperous!
