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Headley Lamar

09/15/10 4:05 PM

#4046 RE: soulstealer #4044

I have little doubt that what we are seeing is beyond coordinated and has entered the realm of criminal. Naked short selling is illegal and we see it going on all the time. This is an organized illicit attack.

What is frustrating is management could, and should, fire back. I hope Jacky (Chan) Lam breaks it off on these crooks.


09/15/10 4:15 PM

#4048 RE: soulstealer #4044

Not just coordinated shorting, maybe little "coordination" at all. IMO what you saw today was some spooked weak-hands and opportunistic traders (always looking to flip and then get a lower buy-price) triggered by what has happened yesterday and today with DYP and UTA and exacerbated by JoeN's manipulative posts about lower likely pps for CCME.

Joe, i have nothing against you personally, and everyone here has their own trading style, but every time you say that CCME is going to drop $1 - $1.50, you spook a lot of people on this board and your "predictions" become self-fulfilling prophecies. Gee, no wonder you get to congratulate yourself on "being right again."

I could make a bet with someone that everyone was going to leave a certain movie theatre b/c they don't like the movie. And then run in and yell "FIRE" and make it happen. Was i a "wisely prescient" sage or was i a manipulator?

I don't want to persist with what might seem like a personal criticism--again, to each his own....

The larger problem here is that Jacky and Zheng have not stepped up to the plate, YET.... I got an email from Jacky YESTERDAY acknowledging my email to him warning of an imminent short attack after another insinuating Waldo post the other day at SeekingAlpha. I don't know what the big delay is here on a CCME buyback or dividend when, at least with respect to the buyback, other companies seemingly have been able to come out with announcements much sooner.

Well, truth is that any CCME buyback of its shares benefits from that shareprice going as low as possible, so maybe CCME mngment is being a bit "strategic" in their inaction, betting they can pick up shares down here below $8.

My only concern is that further damage to CCME's T.A. pattern is being done here.

But hey, my sense is that in 12-15 mos. the shorts will be largely long-gone, all of the present "trauma" will be a distant memory, CCME will have a P/E closer to that of FMCN and the other older players here, and we'll be seeing CCME with a pps of $40-$50.

Which you can buy today for under $8. That's why i bought some more today averaging in $7.80s.

I don't care if it goes to $6+ on another JoeN "prediction." Not sure i want to be out of the money whenever Jacky and co. announce a buyback and/or dividend or some other great news....