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09/15/10 11:10 AM

#6999 RE: COLD #6998

My feelings, they should terminate message boards! Full of nothing but way out whacky speculative gibberish, (MYSELF INCLUDED), conspiracy theories, a way to vent, which indirectly can alter ones thinking.

Lets just say, the seller has revealed himself, no, not me. Think for yourself!
Get away from these boards! You'll be healthier for it.

Just to be specific. I just know of one of the sellers, obviously there are others as well. I'm speaking about just one individual.


09/15/10 4:02 PM

#7005 RE: COLD #6998

Dear mr. COLD,

You sound like me 2/3 years ago. I took a chance that this stock would be a 10 bagger someday. I went to presentations, meet Larry, Saw the product, very impressive, Talked to many other stockholders and bought in with both feet, only to lose 90% of my money in the RS. I did mange to sell a good bit at $5.50 and break even on some of my holdings, but still hold a large piece.
This gamble almost cost me my marriage as the wife went ballistic when she saw the price drop. Now she has just written the investment off a lessoned learned and I no longer buy small caps or any other stocks for now. I trade ETFs at market extremes and are doing ok, 5 or 6 % a week (when I trade) is slow but better than losing 90%
I hope you do better than me. Only time will tell, as you said I wish you all the good luck I can.

question, how do we get Larry to spend some of that $900K he made off us last year to buy some stock?