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09/15/10 2:20 PM

#3787 RE: chessmite #3776

Chess, good advice, and it rhymes!
Yes, Vision has not named the Solar
company they will partner with, it
does not seem to be named in the
round of funding from the SA Govt
during Ramadan, which makes sense
because this would be working
company to company, not a contract
from the SA Govt. Although that is
interesting, because Vision said
they are building a solar field
in Bahra, but did not say for who.
So that is two secrets, the solar
company, and their client for the
solar farm.

I have google keyword alerts for
all that, and can tell you that
since mid-August when they announced
the $150 Million formation of the "solar
electro-mechanical" company, there
has not been a word.

Pure speculation:
The client could be KAUST, wanting
to set up a large scale solar farm
to test Solterra and other companies
or KAUST solar technology experiments.
While the site about 100 miles from
KAUST, it may be that this inland spot
has a better Sun and heat weather
conditions than the coast (Jeddah and
Thuwal). Secondly, Solterra stated that
their solar factory would be in Jeddah,
only 20 miles from Bahra. It all makes
sense from a logistics point of view.
KAUST can monitor the solar output
remotely nowadays, I am sure.

Still wondering what would require
SEC approval. Would starting up a Saudi
Company require SEC approval? Would a
Joint Venture with a Saudi Company
require SEC approval?

Barrymore, can you get one of your minions
to answer that? You have the resources!
What do you think requires SEC approval?
