"My point is this: Alpha Capital is using the justice system illegally"
--->Well,I guess ALPHA may disagree with your sentinment. That's what courts are set up for?...to decide such matters? It's certainly not illegal to file a lawsuit...and to allege claims.
"Microsoft was forced into lawsuits because so many corporations wanted to break them up"
Huh? You mean the suits microsoft filed against smaller corps,when they were trying to strong arm their way on be a monopoly?
I think we should just be fair here...microsoft was simply chosen in my link,to show that lawsuits are quite commmon these days regrading routine business affairs.
Whether we agree or not.
I certainly can attest to the fact the the legal stystem is innundated with what I consider to be "frivilous" lawsuits,however some proceed,some don't..for any number of reasons.
Let's not get carried away and say microsoft was forced to do anything,and is simply an innocent party or some underdog in all cases they filed.
I don't think your point is valid,by you showing that alpha have filed previous lawsuits are relevant to anything IMO.
I also hope you know that the judge may not consider previous cases,unless they are germane to the current concern. Again,just saying my dumb .02