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02/14/05 7:40 PM

#4428 RE: cavan #4409

SPRL - here is the answer to that basher. As long as you present it, it's not a value pick, but you may as well be fair. Once something moves, it attracts moronic bashers.

By: newkidonblock
14 Feb 2005, 01:46 PM EST
Msg. 6081 of 6162
(This msg. is a reply to 6077 by buy_american.)
Jump to msg. #

buy.. I will only reply to your post once. Frankly, you P*ss me off.

For those of us who have beenaround since Jul/Aug, we have come to realize one thing as certain: Management is about as straight up as it gets. They have NEVER LIED, EVER. I personally have met them, and remain a pimple on their A Z Z with all my phone calls. Strat_nut, best, and others can verify that all calls are returned on a timely basis and without fanfare.

Having said that, I called regarding the PR, and they emphatically said that they have not hired a PR firm, nor authorized anyone to hire anyone on their behalf; let alone give away X million shares or thousands of $$$.

No new stock has been printed since the RTO in august.
They have been unconventionally quiet since the beginning, so a sudden change would be uncharacteristic.

So, who to believe? I vote for mgmt until I can prove otherwise. I have close to 75k in this. I assure you that this is no pump. Frankly, I dont give a rats A Z Z what you think. But you are annoying the h e l l out of me.