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02/14/05 3:27 PM

#52204 RE: neye_eve #52190

neye eve

It's a translation from the french source of Jean de La Bruyère
(1645 - 1696), that's why Google does not find it easily.

If you dig deeper in the internet using other engines, maybe the best you can expect to find is the quote "Live is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel" attributed to Oscar Wilde. I don't know if he ever said this. If so, he misunderstood the original quote - admittedly a mistake easy to make, considering the language code Catholics used in the 17th century is hard to read and even harder to translate.
Btw a fried who is priest today translated it into german, I did the german english part.


While we are at it OT, I might add that I am getting more and more frustrated when I ask a question (here and elsewhere in the net) and instead of an answer get a lecture of how to google it. In many cases it is very helpful to look things up in the net (although google in particular is probably the worst possible approach to it). But in many, if not most cases, internet-content brought up by search enginges is nothing less than a very huge pile of common errors, misperceptions and public myths. At least this applies for the sparse oasis in the desert of my knowledge. I am not saying there is only rubbish posted. But to find a good answer to a problem I still prefer asking people in their field of excellence (which you demonstrated to prefer as well, cautiously stating you aready tried googling it probably for the reason above), or if I don't have access to these use a library. Online or offline.
