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09/16/10 5:46 AM

#196880 RE: joseywalestx #196523

I believe that was Phil Graham. I couldn't stand the guy. Glad he's gone with a few others.

I do agree that these lifers need a shot in the foot. The only way is to press for term limits. I can't help but believe that some of these elections are fixed. How is it possible that the people keep voting in the same people they oppose on so many issues?.

The Congress fixed term limits on the President, but yet they can run indefinitely, and if they can get big business in their corner its money in the bank, and in some, if not all cases their own. If they can lock in 30 or so years they will get million dollar pensions on top of what they can rake in during the same time period, and from all kinds of sources. Then there's all the perks. They just have voted themselves in another pay increase for such an outstanding job they've done for the country, and the American people for handing out bailouts for parties, and covering their buddies of wall street and their gambling debts like those of Goldman Sachs in addition to earmarks like those to a Rum Company in Puerto Rico, or the bridge for Microsoft. Its never ending. This country has lost its manufacturing jobs due to all their concessions, but they still want careers that span into 40 and 50 years which allows them to be their own bosses, and to show up when they choose?. If we had a system that worked for this country they would have enacted term limits for themselves for the same exact reasons. This is after all where the power is really at.

Joe Biden took the remainder of his campaign contributions which amounted to $2m + and paid family members who supposedly helped him/worked for him when he ran for the president. He did this after he was selected by Obama. $2m ----------------!!. Guess there was no kickbacks here?

Money that should have been turned over to the democratic committee after he lost his bid. No one has held him accountable. That in itself should raise suspicion about both parties. Its an incentive to run if they are already knee deep in corruption serving in Congress.