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09/12/10 7:49 AM

#160367 RE: TLHamand #160366

Better yet, I wish we could get that website that does the online betting for wierd stuff to take bets on if and when any dividend will be distributed to shareholders of the company. I think that management makes more money negotiating the deal with our money than they do in actually consumating the deal and distributing the dividend. Why else would it take so long to sell gold? Seriously, if you were in 'Disney Land' or some paradice with a company credit card to "negotiate a deal with Mickey and Minnie who don't really exist, they are just serogates for the real buyers, wouldn't you ride Mr. Grasshoppers Magical Mystical Ride a few times yourself? Seriously, these guys make money selling shares of the company and negotiating; which to them is: writting more press releases to the shareholders they just juiced for more money explaining the extraordinary big worded nature of why things are happening next week, next month, or next year, but surely not today, that is unless of course if its "maybe later today in the afternoon and possibly tonight".


09/12/10 8:36 AM

#160368 RE: TLHamand #160366

I agree. If U.S. reatail were allowed to short stocks such as FFGO from highs, then the field would be leveled. You would see more stability in the market, since the hedge funds and MM's would be attempting to make money on squeezes as well.