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09/11/10 7:32 AM

#391 RE: paidmyway #390

Humble yourselves under the Lord's mighty hand -
that He may lift us up in due time -
bring your troubles to Him because He cares for us -

USSIF/USA has a long hike back UP to a more fair share price -

.the investors who bought the IPO shares -
..they listen to the banksters brokers promo -
..and their investment is down a lot -
..would like to see USSIF in a more fair share price :-) give back the confidence for a LT good return for the old-.
..timers who got USSIF up running in the first case :-)
..they are well worthy and should be honored to see >$3.-/sh :-)
.. USSIF is a steal at this low bargain prices -
.. way to undervalued and oversold -
the low prices makes it a shame for the whole mining industry -
in the US silver mining -

Sprott Securities, $6mil investment :-)
well looking for >10 bagger :-)

God Bless
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09/13/10 3:07 PM

#393 RE: paidmyway #390

U.S. Silver From Doom to Boom The Leader = Cormack/Sprott Sec. -

Sprott Sec. - OUR VISION - to partner with our clients to achieve their capital market objectives.

(Sprott Securities Inc. the former name of Cormark Securities Inc.)

Have two giants Waked UP ?

USA/USSIF A Bidding War START? - Sprott Sec. and Thomas Kaplan - JPM groupz?

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09/14/10 4:38 AM

#396 RE: paidmyway #390

It start with a penny a day but when USA/USSIF get going
the bull will be UP a nickel and dime/day
its a reflexion of risk -
no risk no gain -
the more risk the more %gain :-) undervalued oversold great producer -
mirror reflexion of the downtrend to the UP trend

its a long bull run to fair level :-)

With silver at more >$20 an ounce, Idaho’s Silver Valley mines
in production
shines brightly again

To find a USSIF fair market value e.g., -
please, incl. the fundamental and technical research
into the considerations -

USSIF/USA has a long hike back UP to a more fair share price -

the more consolidation to build strength -
the faster the bull UP TREND :-)

.the investors who bought the IPO shares -
..they listen to the banksters brokers promo -
..and their investment is down a lot -
..would like to see USSIF in a more fair share price :-) give back the confidence for a LT good return for the old-.
..timers who got USSIF up running in the first case :-)
..they are well worthy and should be honored to see >$3.-/sh :-)
.. USSIF is a steal at this low bargain prices -
.. way to undervalued and oversold -
the low prices makes it a shame for the whole mining industry -
in the US silver mining -

Sprott Securities, $6mil investment :-)
at the right place at the right time -
well looking for >10 bagger :-)

Got PM's Ag USA/USSIF silver mine penny play :-)
great profitable silver mines dd.. :-) ..

The historic mining town of Wallace
(population 960) is nestled beneath Interstate 90,
halfway between two ski and recreation areas
in northern Idaho's beautiful Silver Valley.

Sierra Silver Mine Tour -

USSIF/USA's agenda priority should be to establish the
control of at least 51% of the outst. shares -

USSIF/USA's shareholder we should all be encouraging the company
to look at buying shares back and all the way up -
while the silver Ag price is below $30 per ounce -
and the USA/USSIF share are undervalued and oversold -
its a great opportunity of USSIF below -
a fiat$/sh to start the buy back -

"U. S. Silver
generates 6% of U.S. silver production from its
Galena Mine and Mill.
The company's holdings are a combination of fee land,
patented mining claims, mining claims and mining leases.
As of 2010, it is profitable, carries no debt and produces silver
at an average cost of $11.50/oz.
With completion of rehab efforts/opening of the Galena shaft,
the company can now move ore from two shafts.
Two distinct ore combinations are present—a lead/silver ore and
a silver/copper ore. . .With both shafts now operating,
the company expects to produce 3.3 Moz. Ag (not silver-equivalent)
in 2011.
Current production is running at about 2.7 Moz. annualized."
David Morgan, Morgan Report (07/06/10)
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09/14/10 3:22 PM

#400 RE: paidmyway #390

Silver Demand In Germany Still Strong -

Reported by one of the biggest German precious metals dealer in their daily silver report, they still have
8 buyers on every seller of physical silver
bullion coins and bars.

With German nation being actually biggest buyers of physical gold
(by number of citizens), it’s no wonder they are hoarding
physical silver as well.
Despite purchase of physical silver bullion bars and coins
being exposed to paying 7% VAT (value added tax).

Today Deutsche bank announced selling of $12.5 billion worth
of stocks to buy insolvent Deutsche Postbank and guess
who’ll cover this bill – of course German taxpayers.

With European banks also having to raise additional money by
Basel III guidelines, this means more printing of money,
issuing more government bonds and decreased value of euro.

This is another reason why it’s wise to invest paper money
such as €, $ or GBP into physical money =
physical gold and silver.

And Germans know that and will probably remain No.1 buying country
for physical gold and silver (by number of it’s citizens).

Silver Imports Skyrocket In China And India -

Trading and Investing in Precious Metals -
There are already news out that silver imports and investment demands
have risen considerably in India (by 579% in first 6 months of 2010)
and now there’s another bullish news out that China in first 7 months
of 2010 have quadrupled silver imports.

“Investors in China are starting to look for alternative vehicles to
put their money in, and silver in particular is benefiting from that.
Shipments of the metal to China may set a record, potentially
lifting prices as high as $22 an ounce before this year’s close, said
Daniel Brebner, an analyst at Deutsche Bank in London.

And here’s a nifty graph showing price of silver and amount of China’s silver imports.

On this graph, we see that usually China was importing huge amounts
of silver when price of silver had huge corrections (price drop of
15% or more) and next month when price had again big correction
upwords, they were even exporting silver and making nice profits
from silver price swings of -15% one month and +20% next month.

It’s like someone would be telling them when price of silver will hit
bottom to buy a lot of silver and when it will be peak to sell at
maximum profits hmm.

What’s the most useful on this graph for silver investors is that
since October 2009, China stopped exporting physical silver!!!

China is importing physical silver without…

…a single ounce being exported since Oct 2009!

And in this same time, price of silver was jumping from $15.1 to $20.2
so they could easily make around 30% yield by trading physical silver
as they still did 1 year ago BUT they are not interested in selling
their physical silver and/or getting more USD.

What China cares about now is importing as much physical silver
as they can from all over the world.

If China new in past few years when to buy silver low and sell high,
then they also know now why they rather get and keep physical silver
(instead of earning more USD by trading swings in the price of silver).

And guess what – price of silver since Oct 2009 (when China stopped
exporting silver), hasn’t drop below $15.

With increased demand now in investment and jewelery, the heat is on
that also industrial area secures their amount of silver or they
risk maybe even going out of production.

For certain industrial products, silver is a must have component
in their products so for such companies risk of having no silver
is much scary then paying extra few USD to get it now (or at least
before their competitors in same industry).

USD is something China already has too much so why not dump USD
for physical silver.

For China – having less USD in their reserves and having more
physical silver means:

1) increase in strength of their currency and step closer for
renminbi to become world reserve currency (and not USD anymore),

2) increased standard of living for their citizens (China’s government
recommended them to start buying physical silver and gold already
in Sep 2009!)

3) increased competitiveness of Chinese companies selling products
containing silver at lower prices, compared to other nation’s
companies (that will buy silver later when price of physical
silver will be higher).

By using such info to create a bigger picture, we see that China
and India have so much to gain vs USA and all other nations by
stacking as much physical silver as possible.

And with USA failed banks this year at new record level of 119...
…the easiest way for China and India to get additional physical
silver is by buying paper silver derivatives at Comex and forcing
this silver suppresing banks to deliver physical or going bankrupt
as well.

If USA bank system gets destroyed, then USA is destroyed as well.
Game over, China wins.
No war is needed, no bullets fired, not a single human dead.
All that is needed for USA to go belly up is buying paper silver
derivatives and asking their banks to deliver physical silver...

The banks may gone with their >$500trillion nss derivative
crazy NO_NO stupidity -

Do not let the USA/USSIF out of our hands -
help to save The Silver Valley -
to fall into the wrong hands -

Welcome to USA/USSIF long term bargain safety

God Bless
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09/17/10 1:38 AM

#405 RE: paidmyway #390

U.S. Silver with Ag $20.94 an ounce, Idaho’s Silver Valley mines
in production
shines brightly again

To find a USSIF fair market value e.g., -
please, incl. the fundamental and technical research
into the considerations -

USSIF/USA has a long bull hike back UP to a more fair share price -

.the investors who bought the IPO shares -
..they listen to the banks brokers promo -
..and their investment is down a lot -
..would like to see USSIF in a more fair share price :-) give back the confidence for a LT good return for the old-.
..timers who got USSIF up running in the first case :-)
..they are well worthy and should be honored to see >$3.-/sh :-)
.. USSIF is a steal at this low bargain prices -
.. way to undervalued and oversold -
the low prices makes it a shame for the whole mining industry -
in the US silver mining -

Cormark/Sprott Securities Inc, $6mil investment :-)
at the right place at the right time :-)
well looking for >10 bagger

Got PM's Ag USA/USSIF silver mine penny play :-)
great profitable silver mines dd.. :-) ..

The historic mining town of Wallace
(population 960) is nestled beneath Interstate 90,
halfway between two ski and recreation areas
in northern Idaho's beautiful Silver Valley.

Sierra Silver Mine Tour -

USSIF/USA's agenda priority should be to establish the
control of at least 51% of the outst. shares -

USSIF/USA's shareholder we should all be encouraging the company
to look at buying shares back and all the way up -
while the silver Ag price is below $30 per ounce -
and the USA/USSIF share are undervalued and oversold -
its a great opportunity of USSIF below -
a fiat$/sh to start the buy back -

"U. S. Silver
generates 6% of U.S. silver production from its
Galena Mine and Mill.
The company's holdings are a combination of fee land,
patented mining claims, mining claims and mining leases.
As of 2010, it is profitable, carries no debt and produces silver
at an average cost of $11.50/oz.
With completion of rehab efforts/opening of the Galena shaft,
the company can now move ore from two shafts.
Two distinct ore combinations are present—a lead/silver ore and
a silver/copper ore. . .With both shafts now operating,
the company expects to produce 3.3 Moz. Ag (not silver-equivalent)
in 2011.
Current production is running at about 2.7 Moz. annualized."
David Morgan, Morgan Report (07/06/10)