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09/10/10 10:11 PM

#30642 RE: jbarr9134 #30640

If you consider all of that good news, then more power to you. If the expected news came out, CE got removed or the price went up, that's what I'd call a good day. But to each his own.

And I don't like whining either. I like facts. I think people should remain silent unless they're bringing relevent information to the board.

"This baby is going up tommorrow" is not something that needs to be posted every day.

"All things considered, this wasn't a bad day" isn't something that needs to be posted every day.


09/11/10 1:36 PM

#30678 RE: jbarr9134 #30640

All must stop the talk about the removal of the CE and PR'S etc... and when it is going to happen All taht kind of talk make stock's like these so volatile.

If you put a date on it and then nothing happens that causes issues and problems.

Companies put tentative dates like late Sept or early Oct so they a projected target date.

If everyone work's or did work real jobs at one time or another either working for one’s self or another in the business world then all should know not everything goes as planned and on the target date.

We all know that is the case many times so let's stop hanging the hat on the hook on dates. It will happen when it does.

Stop the speculation if you feel there is an issue call the company ask them what the deal is do not post hear say.

This is not a grand jury here say has no place in the market only facts.